Chapter 6 - Finders Keepers

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"Honestly Zach you can't keep stalking this girl, it's becoming an unhealthy obsession,"

"Really Demitri? I don't stalk girls, girls stalk me. Obviously because I'm far too irresistible."

Demitri pushed a piece of his curly brown hair out of his face and rolled his eyes at his young friend, who was currently standing suspiciously down the side of an apartment block. Not creepy at all. The fact that Demitri had been dragged into all of this made matters worse.

"Why did I have to come again?"

Zach pulled his eyes away from the apartment block and turned to Demitri who rose but a few millimetres over him, "You're the Robin to my Batman, the Laurel to my Hardy, the R2D2 to my C3PO, the Weasley to my Potter-"

"I honestly didn't understand any of those references and please don't explain them to me. Would you just answer the question and not babble on for once."

Demitri couldn't contain a sigh of annoyance at Zach who had dragged him all the way to the North of London when he had plenty of other, more valuable ways to spend his night. Non sprang to mind but he was sure there were definitely more.

"I told you before, there's something about this girl. She noticed my eyes, not a lot of people can do that Dem,"

"What if it was an honest mistake? They make mistakes, humans. Like you said she didn't notice anything different when you bumped into her at that shop,"

"You say it like it wasn't a coincidence,"

"Coincidence my ass, you ran into Selfridges at the first sight of her and left me standing in the street alone." Then just to mock Zach he added in a meek voice, "A stranger could have taken advantage of a guy like me, I'm not street smart."

Staring up at the sets of windows and shaking his head Zach said, "The only way a stranger could take advantage of you is if the stranger was a trained assassin-"

He was cut short by the sound of footsteps on metal. Someone coming down the fire escape - and quickly. Zach's instincts kicked in and he froze silent on the spot, turning his head slowly to Demitri, he could see that he had done the same.

The person was approaching fast, now only a few levels above their heads but the metal of the escape hid a full view of them.

Items of clothing became more visible the closer the person became. Blue shorts, a grey t-shirt and running shoes. Black, long hair pulled into a ponytail. So it was a girl, Demitri thought. He wondered whether-

Zach suddenly let out a sharp gasp but then automatically covered his mouth to muffle the sound.

Question asked and answered thought Demitiri. So it was her.

She got to the end of the fire escape, jumped the last few steps and headed straight for the main street.

When she was out of sight Zach released a breath that he'd probably been holding in for a while. "Well that was close"

"You don't say, I wonder if she knows you're stalking her now? Probably why she was running so fast."

Zach gave Demitri a swift jab in the ribs, "Shut up, where do you think she was going in such a rush?"

He couldn't help but give Zach a sarcastic reply, "Well if it wasn't away from you then perhaps she was simply doing that thing, oh what's it called? Oh yeah, exercising."

Zach jogged over to the street opening and glanced in the direction the girl went in, Demitri soon followed him, dreading the thoughts going through his bestfriend's head, and what he would force him to do next."

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