Wally, your a MORON (part one)

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Angel; Sup, peoples!

Ben; Hello.

Impulse; What's got you all moded.

Ben; *glares at Angel*

Angel; *nervous laugh* hehe...


Angel; *calls someone* Hey, Avery!

Ben; Who are you talking to?

Angel; You know Ben, who sits next to you in history?

Ben; Angel...

Angel; Yeah, the one with the freaky face

Ben; HEY!

Angel; Anyway, I just have to read out of his diary!


Angel; *clears throat* Roses aree red, violets are blue,Avery is perfect, and so is Plue.

Ben; .....0/////0

Angel; I think Plue is this snowman guy....

End of flashback

Angel; I'm sorry I insulted Plue. I know hes a celestial spirit from Fairy Tail.


Angel; *sighs* Lets just do the dares.

Wally; Which are?

Angel; Artemis and Tigress get to sing a duet! And they get to pick the song

Tigress and Artemis; *whisper*

Impulses; Secrets? SO not crash

Wally; I'm still confused. WHat's crash?


Impulse; NO. His face is MODED

Wally; Yeah!

Impulse and Angel; *burst out laughing*

Artemis; We're ready!

Angel; Okay, then!

Artemis;*sings* Release the dream engraved in your heart! Leave even the future behind.

I know no limits; they’re meaningless!

This power scatters out those feelings that are so far from how they used to be.

Tigress; *sings* If I can’t do anything but look back at this road I walked down

I can break down everything here and now.

Artemis; On a street that falls into darkness, how far can people fight on?

I can definitely protect anyone from the accelerating pain.

Both; Looking!

The blitz loops this planet to search for a way.

Only my RAILGUN can shoot it right now.

The certain prediction circulated

Through my body at the speed of light!

If there’s something you wish for, grab it and don’t leave it behind!

We can shine with our own style.

I believe in the vow from that day.

Even the tears that shine in these eyes will become my strength.

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