An Unwanted Prince

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        Lies were what made Loki who he was. This was something he understood but he didn't know just how true it was, not until the day he let the giants in.

        It started as just another attempt to gain any sort of recognition from his father and an opportunity to mess with Thor whom he'd, by this time, falsely convinced himself that he resented. It was a big day for his brother for he was to be crowned as the next king of Asgard but it was a big day for Loki too. He'd worked everything out perfectly. The plan was to let a few frost giants in through one of his many secret passages knowing that they wouldn't get far before Odin took care of them. It would be enough to stir up trouble but very few people would get hurt if any. Put into action, it went exactly as he'd planned, give or take a few deaths. To him the death of a few guards didn't matter, either way his punishment would be severe and Odin would once again see him for what he was, his disappointment of a son. He would look upon him, albeit with his one eyed scowl, and he would see him.

        He had originally planned to give himself away as soon as the giants were caught but when Thor got it into his head that he'd go to Jotunheim to confront the them he decided to remain silent a little longer. This would give him an opportunity to mess with Thor a bit more and, with a little luck, his brother, who had grown more and more distant since their childhood, would see him too. He who had grown somewhat indifferent towards him would look at him with that familiar fire that burned with hatred in his eyes. He couldn't wait.

        From the minute they arrived in Jotunheim things started to go awry. He'd walked in without much of a plan formulated and his brother, whose fists acted quicker than his mind, seemed insistent on starting a war. Even with Sif and the warriors three present they were not strong enough to fight off all of the giants. They might get through many but they'd sooner find themselves in Valhalla than they would victorious upon a pile of Jotun corpses. He could only hope that the guard he'd told Thor's intentions to would show before they were all bleeding out on the frozen ground of Jotunheim. This hope soon disappeared when he was grabbed by the arm by one of those cold blue giants. Rather than getting frostbite he found his skin turning the same shade of blue as the giant's. His mind raced. Now all he could hope for was an explanation.

        By the time the guard arrived with Odin and other soldiers alongside him Loki had forgotten all about his schemes and tricks. He had only one thought: what was wrong with him? He needed to understand.

        Any opportunity he'd had to reveal his betrayal to his brother had been lost, he hadn't even tried. Even as Thor was banished and he'd been given the perfect chance to tell him that all of this was essentially his fault, that he was being banished because of something he'd started, he said nothing. He was silent all the way up until the moment Odin found him with the casket of ancient winters gripped tight between his fingers, his skin blue like that of the frost giants he'd killed earlier that day. It was then that he received the piece of information that put his whole life into perspective.

        He was a frost giant.
        He was not Odin's son.
        He was not Thor's brother.
        Frigga was not his mother.
        He was not Loki of Asgard,
        He was not of Asgard at all.

        He was Loki Laufeyson of Jotunheim and he'd been born small and weak. He was an unwanted prince who'd been left to die by his true father. 

        The only reason he was alive was because Odin decided he could be used as some sort of peace offering when it best suited him... and now that peace with the frost giants was impossible he had no use of him and Loki swore he was looking right through him.

He did not see him and he never would.

He did not see him and he never would

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