The Villian Within

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After the Muses helped relieve some "tension", Herc teleported to Mount Olympus to gather some much needed rest. Those five Muses took the strength out of him, and just thinking of them made him want to head back.

"HERCULES!" Zeus bellowed as he walked through the temple, "How many times do I need to tell you to stop ditching your hero training to go off and do gods know what!"

Herc smirked at his father, "if you must know, I was giving the Muses something new to sing about."

"Your care-free spirit towards your training is unacceptable! Where is this coming from? Do you not want to be the hero you are destined to be? You are my heir, Hercules. You must learn discipline."
Zeus tried to reason with Herc as he placed his hand on Herc's shoulder.

Herc jerked away. "Stop with the innocent act, father! You are not the perfect god you seem to be!"

Surprise struck Zeus' face. "What are you talking about?"

Herc couldn't hold back his anger. He had been keeping in this secret for a couple weeks now, and it may be the root of his newfound defiance, but he deserved to know the truth! Why had his father lied to him?

"You, Mr. High and Mighty, cheated on Hera! The woman I always believed to be my mother. But no, you slept with a mortal woman, and that is why I am half mortal! You lied! You said Hades did this to me!" Herc roared at Zeus as fire licked his amber eyes.

At first, Zeus looked shocked. Then anger melted his features into a grimace. "You best stay out of this, boy. This is something that was handled between Hera and I, and it is done and in the past. How did you even figure this out?"

Herc refused to just let this go. After fighting so hard to get to Mount Olympus to be with his family, he found out by a pair of villagers? He just so happened to overhear and had hoped it was a rumor. But his father's reaction stated otherwise. "Why do you care? You never even planned to tell me did you? What else have you used Hades as a scapegoat for? Were the Titans even that evil, or did you just want the throne for yourself?"

Thunder and lighting filled the sky and Olympus shook. "You defend Hades? That slime! And you believe so little of me? Your father! You will stop this now, Hercules, and you will go to your training!"

"NO! I don't even want to be a hero! Maybe, I want to be a villain!" That was all Herc could get out. A force blew him up into the air and threw him from the Mount. He landed hard at its pearly gates.

"I can't believe you!" Herc yelled up toward Olympus. "You kicked me out!" He started shaking the gates to try to get back to his home.

He heard a thunderous voice from around him. "When you decide to become a hero and stop this defiance, you may return. Until then, learn to respect my wishes and choices before you bash them!"

With a final curse at his father, Herc teleported to the Underworld.

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