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"Why didn't Mina join us?? "Jungkook ask Sana and Tzuyu
"She said that she's tired and need a sleep..so she couldn't join us"tzuyu explains
Jungkook just nodded sip his drink
"Jungkook-ah... Are you sure.. Taehyung will join us?? Isn't it too late now?? We've been waiting him for almost an hour...plus...it's freaking boring here"sana pout

"Boring?? "Tzuyu ask
"Ck...ya?! You both keep talking and giggling with each other while I'm being a third wheel here...hah..just what the he'll I'm doing here..."she was annoyance
While the two giggling by her word

"she was annoyance While the two giggling by her word

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"I think it's better if I walk around...I won't disturb this young couple okay?? Call me if you done"sana said and pick her stuff

"Are you serious?? You don't mad right??"tzuyu ask her.. She smile

"Ya~i'm not a teenage...i'm matured okay.. So don't worry...I'm going to call my beloved boyfriend too"she joke...
Jungkook nodded then her a thumbs up
"Don't worry sir... I'll take care this little princess..."he said while raised his hand.. Tzuyu looking at him disgust by his word

"Alright..I'll go now... Bye"then sana walk away

"Ya jeon jungkook...you embarrassed me?! "Tzuyu quickly sit and pinch his stomach
"Awww...tzuyu-ah.. Let go... It's hurt"he whine
"This is your punishment..."she said
"Ya...in count of 3 if you won't let me go...I'll really lift you up right here!? "He said

Tzuyu immediately stop and give him his killer glare
"What??I'm handsome?? I know...ssst.. "He said while still whine and caress his abs
Tzuyu rolled her eyes


Sana standing at the mall entrance worriedly as she still couldn't see taehyung's shadow...

"Aishh... Where did he go?? He never late like this without telling me... Ck.. This man also off his phone...ahh~Kim taehyung where are you??~"she look at her phone again and again
She bit her lips nervously...then suddenly her phone ringing... An unknown number screen on her phone as the caller ID

Her burrow furrowed.... But she still pick it up

"Hello?? "She greet
"Hye... Sana ssi~"the voice reply sweetly but then she can hear a giggle from the other side

"Sorry... But... You know me?? "She ask
"Of course...don't you know me ??"the caller ask
"Ye?? Did we'd met before??"she confused
"Hmmm...I'm not sure... Did we??, "she ask her back

"Hah... Sorry but can you just tell me who you are so that we can talk properly"sana reply
"Alright...I'll introduce myself...hye sana ssi... I'm PARK.SOO.YOUNG."The caller tell her name... But sana still seem confused
"Sorry....emm.. Park Soo—........."sana paused her word when she finally remember her...
"You're PARK SOO YOUNG??!you're one of the girls that came to the house before right?? !"she was shocked

"Bingo! That's me...finally.. You remember me...ck.. So you were there~??"soo young said

"No... Actually—"

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