Part One

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"Well, if you don't like it, you know what the solution is, don't you?"

Malfoy smirked as he walked into the gardens. The Ball was becoming stuffy and he knew that the best place to escape Pansy was outside in the rain. He paused; it seemed Weasel and Granger were fighting. Well, nothing new there, but he felt the need to listen in the hopes of finding out something interesting to blackmail the 'Golden Trio' with. He couldn't see them through the hedge, but he could hear them perfectly.

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

Malfoy winced. Stupid move Weasel, now she'll-

The sound of someone being slapped resounded through the night.

He sighed. 'Thought so', he murmured.

"Next time there's a ball, ask me before someone else does, and not as a last resort!"

He heard Weasley mutter something, and then the sounds of her gasping in a combination of anger, hurt and shock, followed by the sounds of Weasley angrily storming off, muttering under his breath.

Malfoy silently laughed at Weasley's stupidity and Granger's temper and turned to go back inside and face the she-devil known as his date, but was stopped in his tracks. A quiet sound was being emitted from behind the hedge.

'That's odd', he thought as he walked slowly towards the end of the hedge, 'it sounds like- but it can't be. She wouldn't cry over a guy,'

Yet, as he rounded the corner, there she was. Sitting alone on a stone bench, in the green dress which had captured everyone's attention just a few hours before, wiping mascara crudely off her cheeks in an effort to preserve her makeup in the showering rain. He could see her shaking from the cold and upset, diamonds on her hair shaking and falling onto her bare shoulders. He took a step towards her, and heard leaves crunch beneath his dress shoes. As he cursed himself, her head shot up, and saw him. She stood hastily and tried to brush past him, but as she passed, he grabbed her arm gently, and she turned her head and locked eyes with him.

"What do you want Malfoy? Come to mock me about my inability to keep a date for a whole night?"

"What are you talking about" he asked confusedly.

"It's the gossip of the evening", she laughed bitterly, "Long story short, Krum asked me to the ball, and then promptly ditched me for Daphne Greengrass when he heard her date was ill. Fun way to spend the one night I tried; outside in the rain, telling all my problems to none other than you"

She tried to act nonchalant, but it was clear to anyone with eyes that she was hurting. Her beautiful eyes were bright with unshed tears, and she was shuddering with cold and suppressed sobs against his hand.

Malfoy shook his head, clearing any thoughts of Granger as beautiful from his mind. 'It's Granger', he mentally chastised himself, 'Get a grip'.

"Actually, I came out here to see what damage Weasel had managed to create this time."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, obviously you weren't yelling at Krum or yourself a minute ago, and no other guy is stupid enough to try and tell you who to date. Therefore, I came to see what he'd done in order to make you so upset."

"I told you, I'm upset about - "

"And before you try to pass this off as about Krum", he interrupted her, "I think we both know you aren't that bothered, and you only agreed to go with him to make Weasley jealous."

She stood gaping at him. "How did you- never mind. So what if I did, it still hurts. Wait, why am I even telling you this? You're obviously just gonna laugh at me with your slytherin snakes." She went to pull away, but he stopped her.

"Before you so rudely interrupted me – which is a huge social no-no by the way- I was going to say I originally came, like you said, to find some humour in a battle of anger-fuelled wits, or your distress. Either one would work. However, you are more upset than I originally thought, and that has made me want to comfort you, in the only way I can think is appropriate given tonight's events."

She took a step back. "Malfoy.... What are you talking about?"

He leant close to her ear and breathed "Dance with me, Granger, and pretend the world doesn't exist."

She stared at him in shock and repeated "Malfoy, what the hell are you talking about?"

He smirked. "Come with me Grang- Hermione".


A/N. Hope that wasn't as bad as i think it is. Please review and let me know what you thought/ whether i should continue it.

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