Nature with a shade of blue

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There was once a planet  Ilo  it was on of a kind it could sustain life just like earth, but a different  type of life in a different  way, and these people  looked just liked human begins , but they where different  this people had tentacles,a shade of  blue skin and different  powers each, and in this planet their was a family known for the generation soldiers and their children  will always be born with a sword this family was known  as " Gento " they had four children in total who where all in the military  ,but the last child was different she did not have a sword when being born so the called her "Cento " meaning "different ".

         CHAPTER  ONE

It was in the Ilo planet and little Cento was in the house with her parents  who where  teaching her how to fight but she never got it, her father became angry because she  couldn't  even raise a sword. Everyone saw her as the useless one in the family .

It was time to send her to military  school but she couldn't  do anything so her four elder siblings  saw no reason she should be in military school  but one thing they knew is that they needed to protect her so she won't  die until the next week . Cento  was often bullied in her new school even with the protection  of her elder ones. So one  day two seniors, in year 9 out of 10 where bulling her and her elder sister Jento  came in to save her and she became over powered and they where really hurting her sister bad and no one was their to help her, so she said in  a soft gentle voice   "let go of her"  and they said "why" and Cento said again but this time crying "let go" and they said "what are you going to do about it " raising up her head she said slowly "this" and the two jokes heads fell off and they fell down dead and then her sister  stood up and ran alway without looking back .


So Cento was reported  to  the authority  for murder ,so she was expelled , everyone was surprised that she killed someone they expected her to be dead by the  first day of school . This girl know as the demon Quèen her parents them selves  witness the length of her powers and the king had planned  to kill her so they sent her far away to earth so she might not be killed by the king. So she was sent off to earth and she didn't  have anywhere to go , having the power to create  and destroy any living  and non living thing she created a new home  for her self and gave her self a new look so she made her self look more human and took off her blue skin colour and make it a little dark , like that of a dark American she stepped out with her perfect figure shape which was quiet  attractive.
She finally got to school the next day and it was simply first day  in school and second  day as a human it was so cool, according to her , she walked down the hall way after the principal had admitted her into the academy and moved to her assigned class , she walks inside and noticed a tall fair woman standing and when she looked back  it looked like the woman was talking to herself , Cento attracts her attention by clearing her  throat very loudly and she then said " Good morning" everyone looks at her and the woman says with a nice calm voice " you are welcome my dear" the boys in the class kept looking  at her perfect figure as she walked to the back of the class beside a very strange boy and then she said" hi" the boy looks at her with a very Un friendly  look. She pauses in disgust .
  School was over and wow! it was stress  for her, she ran towards the boy  she saw in her class and said "hey " the boy looks at her and says " what" with a rude mannerless  voice she says again " what's your name" he says " Ryan" and then she came closer but he kept on moving backwards then she said " Ryan please I need your help in maths" he said" is it your home work" " no " she said " I will never let you do my assignment, I just want you to teach me so I can do my assignment" he said in surprise " then I will  meet you by lunch tomorrow" then the bus came and drove him  off, suddenly she saw this girl "Casey" entering into this big car it was black and long and they said she was the richest girl in school so I made a car just  like that with a driver to pick me up and take me back home  everyday ,every body looked at me as I entered the car and drove off . When I got home I tried  solving the maths and I really understood  it this time around I didn't  need Ryan to teach me any longer and I couldn't  just blow him off like that so I accepted to go either ways even if I  knew everything  because of my powers, how can't  I know the theories  behind my own creation and even further more that  humans had not yet know like my planet . I was an unstoppable brain supply.
The next day came and I went to school using an awesome car which I made yesterday I got to school in a blur and walked down the hall way ,people had not yet come to school and Ryan was already around so I asked him to teach me the math, which he did and it was quite  easy to understand what I had already understood. Then he said in a nice voice " You know your the first  girl that is not trying to use me for  home work" and I said "well that's  how to treat a friend" he said in a very surprising tone " so your my friend, that  means I have a girl friend" I laughed and said " Not in a million years I don't  date" he said " I don't  date either" and then I looked at him with a confused face and when he finally  noticed that I was confused and he wasn't  making sense he turned his face to his book and started reading fast, I started laughing and he turned and said " it's  not funny " I started  laughing a little  louder and at that moment the bell rang and it was time for class, so I kept quite and listen . During the class Ryan was writing something and he looked really serious I asked him what he was writing but he didn't  answer  the teacher Mrs Esther said "Ryan, what are you writing" he put the paper in his pocket. Mrs Esther walked  down to the class and took the paper out of his pocket and then opened it and read it to the whole class and it read "Years ago  I was alone at the back of the class but since she came things have not been the same her light brown hair and her nice black eyes with are chocolate  soft brown skin that drive me wondering where is she from her perfect figure  that sweeps all the boys in the class into paradise and now all I want to ask from you my dear is will you go to the dance with me my dear " the letter ended there and everyone ask themselves who is this girl? It was lunch time and I and Ryan walked to the lunch room ,Ryan wasn't  talking  to  me and there was an awkward  silence in the atmosphere I left the table very angry and walked to another table which was empty  I folded my arms and looked away from Ryan .Then a group of football players came and sat beside me and  then Andrew their Captain asked all of them to leave they all stood up and left then Andrew came closer and put his hand around my waist and said " would you come to the dance with me" I said "since I don't  have a date why not" I went back to class and Ryan  was not talking to me at all I felt like a bad person even if I had no idea what I did either ways classes went by a blur and school was over , it was raining then I went outside with my umbrella and I found  Ryan standing outside alone under the rain waiting for the bus I entered  into the car and asked the driver to drive in front of  him,  and then I said " you need a ride " he looked away  then the car went backward then forward  splashing  some water from the floor on him then  he bends down and scoops some water in his hand and poured it on me , I quickly came down the car and beside me I saw a pile of mud and started throwing it on him, he starts attacking me with his own pile of mud, after sometime he sat down and I sat down beside him and then we kissed it really came from no where it was long and  nice, looking back I saw Andrew kissing Casey, then the bus arrived and Ryan got in and left me there it was not  a  time to really  think of What happened it was the time to know why my date was kissing someone else even if  I was also guilty  of  the same offence , but I just felt like there was more to it. So I walked down to him and Casey and tapped Andrew as he was almost stripping Casey , because right now she was only on her bra and very short shirt , so immediately  I tapped him he threw Casey to the side and then I shifted him to the side and tried  to help Casey up then I asked her "what are you doing to my date" and she said in a very rude voice  "he is my date  to the dance" and then I was confused, my driver started calling for  me so I had  to walk back.
   The next day  during lunch a fat man came and said " The list for the two princess according to the votes  of the dance is out, and out of those two princess one will become the queen on that day and the queen will choose  her own  king, so they are Casey and Cento" everyone clapped and soon everyone started shouting  "CENTO"  then I realised  Andrews plan, he didn't  really like me he just wanted to be king that is why me and Casey are his date so who ever wins he will still win and be king but one thing I knew was that he would not use me . I tired warning  Casey but she won't  just listen .

My life was becoming bad my powers started fading because I was not in contact  with my planet  anymore, my ture identity  started revealing  and it was almost time for the dance. It was a Saturday  so no school I was just  at home trying to fix my self so I order  some pizza to make my self feel better . I waited for the pizza to arrive and in like 10 minutes  the pizza was here and when I opened  the door to get it I saw Ryan my body flashed back to human form  so I let him in and then we where talking and eating the pizza together then he started holding me closer and kiss my neck and then my body flashed back to alien form , he noticed everywhere  was  blue and then he started running I tired stopping him but he never listen I sat alone on the sofa and thought ; all through  my life I have been seen as something  different  either strange or a monster I have never been normal never  then an acid cry rolled down my cheeks as I sat alone on the sofa.

    I finally changed back to human; I went to the pizza store and then I saw Ryan I sat down beside him and told him everything that had happened  to me and why I was in earth then he said that  it was six years ago when  his parents where taken away by blue walking human like creatures just like me , and that was why he ran not because I was ugly, he smiled  as he kissed me again. I felt so loved so I went back home as he resumed  his work .
It was the day of the dance and then I wore a free short gown  with some  snickers, I entered into the car and drove to the dance as I was on my way I got a call from Ryan and  he said "help please hel......"  his  phone hung up, so I told the driver to drive to  his house and when I got their his house was so disarranged I went inside and the door shut I tired  opening  it but it never worked then I heard someone putting their fingers in my hair and as I turned to look back I heard a voice saying " little sister  long time " I finally turned back and  I saw Hepto and he looked all grown up  then I said  "where  is Ryan "  he said "your lover you have been kissing everywhere"  I said " do not destroy my first dance  " he said  "all I want is for you to come back to Ilo" I said  " why ?" He said  
" according  to  the guidance  of  the  planet  you are a living core to the planet so without you the planet dies  " I looked at him and he said again  " you are the nature  of the planet you create and destroy any thing in our universe,  now that the state of the  planet  is too  bad you have to sacrifice  your self for our own  good " and I said  " what makes you think I will  go back and save those people that wanted to kill me" Hepto laughed  and said " he will " displaying a screen  of Ryan in prison, I accepted and I left with  Hepto. I got there and Ilo  didn't  look like the planet  I used  to know.
As they carefully  lowered  my body into the Ilo core, It was hot and my body was  slowly melting  then the Ilo core closed on me . Ryan was in the prison and  he saw his parents  he rushed to them and hugged them . He explained what Hepto was doing even if he did not know the whole  story  Ryan' s  parents  where angry because they protected Ryan from the aliens  so he won't  end up like them but Ryan  was in jail  after all their  hard work. Then the  whole Ilo planet poped  into dust then their was a bubble  covering everyone in the planet  except Hepto and his men who slowly turned into dust;  in less than five minutes Cento was able to make a new planet which could exist without her ,even if the planet was her. Ryan and Cento quickly hurried  back to the dance and immediately  she got their they then said the queen of the dance was her as she climbed the stage and stood Andrew had already started climbing  up the stairs then I said smiling  " Ryan is my king, my only king " as he came up and wore the crown we kissed.
So I was finally  not seen as a monster but as a hero and the greatest was that I found love who was a limit to my powers but I didn't  care I love him and I know he loves me too.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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