Ark II- Chapter 4- Mansin

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"Where in the world are we?"

The view was breathtaking. A series of incredibly tall plateaus protruding over a mass of sand. It was as if the ground decided to grow vertically just for a while in just a few places. Every plateau was a lively oasis and some even had a couple of old trees with dark leaves, including the one Millan was on at the time. The grass was mushy, its colour a soft pale green.

"I never went further than this plateau. Never encountered anything moving on its own either. I can't pinpoint the place exactly." Skyler answered.
"There are no deserts in Mendora. And it's still day here! Could it be...Eastern Larpia? Volmia maybe?"
"Yup, that's certain, all the way over the ocean."
"Incredible...these gates... But why this place?"
'Why? It's completely isolated. Nobody will mind you practising your talents."
"But it's so nice here, you'd think these plateaus would be inhabited."
"Well, if someone shows up we can just bail through the gate and hope they don't follow."
"That's not very reassuring..."

"Now. I don't mean to imply Fionntan doesn't know what he's doing, but I did some research before searching for you."
"You knew about the defense mechanism?"
"That... was not mentioned anywhere. My family has a lot of books in the library and your father lent me a couple as well. I covered anything I could regarding henergy. Skills, flavours, techniques, artifacts, weapons... Most of the latter two were sent away or destroyed when the Unknown appeared, mind you."
"Weapons enchanted with henergy?"
"Yes, able to cut through any other weapon, and to be wielded only by its maker."
"That sounds really interesting."
"So I was thinking, if you have so much trouble with displacement, why don't you try flow instead? From what I read, henergy users tend to be skilled in one more than the other two."
"Is that the enchanting one?"
"Quite so."
Skyler produced a saber from her cloak. It almost blinded Millan as its blade reflected the midday sunlight. The handle was wrapped in a black cloth.
"That might be a bit too large."
"It's the only weapon I have on me unfortunately."
"Well, I got a dagger."
Millan took it out of his vest.
"I've had it since gods know when. I don't mind using it as a practice tool."
"Huh?" Skyler stared at the blade. "Could you-?"
"Sure." he said and handed it over.
She examined it with care.
"This is ancient. Where do you have it from?"
The dagger was double-edged, with a slight curvature at its base. There was a small engraving on the handle in the shape of an arrow.
"I...can't really remember."
"It's a Jadian heirloom. These are never traded away, and when they are, usually as war spoils, they can be worth a small fortune."
"Where are you getting at? And how would you know it is one?"
"You already figured it out, don't give me that. This was your mother's. And I am more than certain you were under serious supervision while living in the Eastern Frontier. The Examination...there are so many pieces to be put together. Let's just get to practice."
Millan, who was getting dizzy, took the dagger back.

"Alright, try to imagine the henergy flowing through the metal of the blade."
He grasped it slowly. Trying to remember how he succeeded earlier with the living metal lock. It was clear he was more successful approaching this in basic shapes and smaller surfaces. He could not make a hole, but its outline worked just fine. So maybe now, instead of weaving in the entire fabric of the blade, he could just do the edges. As the plan materialized in his mind, he could feel the flow of henergy leaving his hands. Success was close by.

Then his body shaked.

Millan dropped his dagger.
"That never happened before!" his face was disappointed.
Skyler's, however, was terrified.
"That wasn't just you... The entire plateau moved."

A slithering sound could be heard. Louder and louder. Not far away, a mass of sand was approaching rapidly.

"I think this is where we leave, Millan."
"Why I am also unwilling to find out what that is."

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