No. 2: Mission

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Turns out I had started mumbling stuff and went freezing cold while I was asleep and it freaked Anna out; in response she threw a bucket of water on me. Now we she sat next to me with a worried glint in her eyes. I felt really bad for scaring her; she was only nine and had lost a lot of people. Slowly I sat up and wince as my head filled with pain, I may have run from him but it doesn’t mean I can’t still feel when he has massive hang over.

          “You know I could’ve lashed out with that water stunt” I teased her, even though there was truth in the words.

          “I trust you” she told me; for some reason those three words from this little girl meant so much to me, I know she doesn’t understand the meaning but still.

          “Hey Anna what time is it?” I asked curiously.

          “Uhm… I think about noon?” she said unsurely, the girl was still getting use to her sense of time. Then it fully clicked to what time it was.

          “NOON?! Crap, I was gonna leave at sunrise” I stated, I jump out of bed and started looking for clothes.

          “There are someone of my older sisters clothes in those drawers, she doesn’t where then any more” Anna told me helpfully, I smiled at her then went to the drawers. Inside was a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a Green Day hoodie, I slipped them on and then pulled my hair into a loose pony tell. Before I walked out and went over to Anna and crouched down so I could see her eye to eye.

          “Thank you Anna for being great company and letting me realize how much I need to tap into my inner child; I promise I will give your mom permission to bring you up to Wolfsbane Pass” I told her, the girls eyes widened drastically at who I actually was; before she made a noise I put my finger to my lips motioning for her to keep quiet. She nodded vigorously that she’d keep the secret.

          I walked downstairs, following the smell of food to the old run down kitchen. I walked in silently and found a guy about 18 humming while cooking an omelet. I giggled and he spun around in shock, he almost dropped his omelet in the process. A smile spread across my lips at the shocked expression in his warm chocolate eyes, he quickly gathered himself and went back to cooking.

          “Want an omelet?” he offered casually.

          “Nah, I am about to leave just wanted a small snack” I told him, I opened the fridge and pulled out an apple.

On My OwnNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ