Get In My House Boi 👌😂

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Cory invited Shrek to the white house with the president. He was nevous yet so excited about his first date with.

"Oh man! I can't wait for my first date with Shrek!" Cory said in a goofy tone.

Cory was wearing his regular clothes for the day. He saw Shrek outside the window.

"Oh, there he is!" Cory said.

He saw Shrek enter the white house. Cory ran down to main hall to greet Shrek.

"Hey Shrek!" said Cory.

"Oh hello there." Shrek said in his scottish accent.

"Welcome to the white house." Cory said.

Cory grabbed Shrek's hand. The green ogre flushed angrily. "The fuck?!" Shrek thought.

"Come on Shrek, I'll show you around!" Cory said cheerfully.

As Shrek and Cory where walking around Shrek got a few looks from people. Not many people did like green ogers.

Cory kicked through a door. Dozens of people in suits where shouting in anger.

"What The Fuck!?" Boi in suit said.

"This is the oval office." Cory

Everyone was shouting at them.

"You have no permission to be in here!"

"What is that green thing!?"

"If you do not leave immidently I will call security!"

"Wow, we better skidattle!" Shrek announced.

They both ran off as there heard the screams of business men. Those dabbing bois where having the best time of there lives.

"Alright Cory what should we do now?" Shrek asked.

Cory went into deep thought with that question. He suddenly thought of a dank idea. "I know!" He announced. "KARAOKE!"

Shrek looked at him with his eyes out of his eye sockets. "Well what should we sing!"

Cory went into more deep thought with that question. "I know!"

Cory was singing the song while Shrek did the dank dance moves.

"Hey now your a Keemstar, get youy hat on, MLG, hey now your a Keemstar, I'm a socio-pathy, all we report is the newwwws personal attachment harassments are totally new!"

Shrek was dabbing to the song lyrics. It made him feel... special.

A while later the song ended and Shrek felt hungry. They decided to go get something to eat.

Cory went down to his dad's kitchen and saw him working on a dish. Cory told Shrek to stay in the other room.

"Don't stop, believing, da da da ta ta." His dad was singing.

Cory stole a cake while he wasn't looking. He came back to the room with Shrek.

"What is that!?" Shrek said shocked.

"It's cake." Cory said.

Him and Shrek ate the delicious cake. The frosting got on Shrek's chin green chin. And his comping of his yellow teeth got Cory-


Suddenly a giant dabbing doggo crashed through the room. It looked very scary and very normie.

"Oh no. It's the Dogeod Doge!" Shrek announced.

"Shrek what do we do!?" Cory asked, "I'm sca-scared!?"

The white house was in danger, the whole world was in danger. Shrek knew the power he had, he knew what he had. Shrek walked foword to the beast and took of his shirt.

"Don't worry Cory. I'll save you." Shrek said.

Shrek body suddenly became bright blue. His pants were attached to his body and his eyes turned green. He looked like the ultimate role model.

Shrek ran up the to the Dogeod Doge and used Yet Attack.

"Yet Attack!" Shrek said.

Shrek did the most memeiest face ever. It looked like this.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" The Doegeod Doge screamed out if cringyness

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"AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" The Doegeod Doge screamed out if cringyness. It couldn't handle the dankest thing on Earth, so it had to do what it did best.

"Yo Dabba Dabba Do!" the Dogeod Doge said while it dabbed.

Shrek fell to the ground in weakness. He eventually got up and did another attack.

"Your, mom, gay, LOL!" Shrek announced. Once he said that a gaint Call Of Duty soilder with a cry laugh emoji as a head dabbed.

This made the Doge very, very weak. But it did it's most powerful attack ever.

"No u." said the Dogeod Doge.

Shrek threw-up gaint piles of blood. He had never seen such insane power. But he couldn't give up. He had to win the battle, so...he did something he will forever regret.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO... D-D-D-D-D-D-D-DOULBLE UUUUUUUUUUU XD!" Shrek said as he shot an energy source out of his palms.

The Dogeod Doge screamed and disappeared.

"Shrek," said Cory, "you saved the day!"

"No need to thank me Cory. I love you." Shrek said.

Cory looked at Shrek with a proud smile. "I love you too." He said.

"Woaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Bill Clinton said as he walked downstairs. "What happened here!?" Clinton pointed at the hole in the wall.

Shrek looked at him and said, "Welp, looks like we got a hole nother problem.

And everyone started laughing while the music in the bottom played.


The End

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