New guy and cute guy

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Tom is gonna be out of town for 2 weeks which was a relief that way he can get some time alone by himself so I won't lie this is gonna be more relaxing my first day alone by myself so I decided to go to the beach and bring my notebook that I draw in when I'm bored...I finally made it to the beach I take off my converse and put them by me where  I set my towel down and put my feet in the sand and relax then a guy with orange hair, gray beanie, a stripped orange and blue sleeveless shirt with gray sweatpants barefoot playing football so I draw a picture of him playing by the sun and ocean....I mean I'm not gonna sit there and not pretend that he's not somewhat attractive


Once Emma finishes drawing him she draw the surfers and dogs playing then all of a sudden...BAAAM a whole bunch of sand gets poured onto Emma and she looks really upset and when she opens her eyes she sees the Orange headed boy on his back right in front of her with the football tucked into his stomach looks like he dove for that catch then he looks to Emma seeing as she is covered in sand and looks pretty upset The boy gets Up

The boy: That was Bloody awesome

*Emma gets up shaking the sand off*

The boy: Are you ok

Emma: If That is your way of apologizing for putting Sand  in my pants then I guess I'll take it

The boy: My name is Rupert

* Tries to help Emma but she pulls away frustrated*

*Then Daniels walks in*

Daniel: Oh I see you two have met Umm.Emma you

Emma: Daniel are you ok from what happened last night

Daniel: Yeah I'm fine

Rupert: What happened

Emma: Daniel might need to teach your friend manners

Rupert: wooah there it was a accident

Emma: Yeah well maybe if u watch where you were going this would not have happened in the first place

Rupert: Well the color of the sand does bring out your skin

Emma: haha you think your so clever

Rupert: Well I'm mean kinda

Emma: fine then

*Emma grabs a plastic baby shovel scoop up sand grab on to Rupert's pants and pours it into his pants then pours it in his hair body everywhere

Emma: Not so clever now are you

Rupert: alright got me there

When Rupert shook the sand outta his hair and smiled Emma started to smile but covered it up

*Emma grabs her things to leave*

Daniel: Where are you going

Emma: gotta go feed my um Catdogfishlizard


Emma: bye

While leaving she drops a Piece a paper from her notebook Rupert picks it up and it the picture of him The picture shows him in the air one of his hands extended out like a OBJ catch with hearts around him he then smiles and puts it in his pockets and tells Daniel to pass him the ball

Daniel: Sandman

Rupert: She is a fiesta one

Daniel: Dang you good

Rupert: just toss me the ball

Daniel: No way man with all that sand in your pants and hair I thinks you should head home and take a bath

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