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Reidun could see Aksel speaking to one of the other leaders. They locked forearms and clapped each other on the back as was a common greeting among friends. Grinning she took in the sites around her. They had passed the ruins of the monastery that Ragnar Lothbrok and his men had destroyed so many years ago. Her excitement was dimmed only by the sun's determination to go down in the next hour or so. It had been a day full of anticipation. They had been a bit further away than they had assumed. It had taken them more time than they had expected to get to the shoreline. Since the boats were going to be beached for a while they had emptied them of their supplies and had put up makeshift coverings for the night.

Overhearing something about the defenseless village of Oakshire being just through the trees and then Watford being so close from there left her grinning. Oppa was talking to the other warriors that were here already. Reidun walked up and listened about the village and the keep nearby.

Reidun smiled at Oppa and walked over to him. "Actually I was going to go check out the village of Oakshire. Finding you out here is just a surprise I didn't expect. Getting ready for the battle I see. I think I'll wait for my paint til tomorrow. Since you are here, would you like to take a peak with me? I imagine that these Englishmen are quite different from us."

Reidun was certain that these people had seen enough of the vikings over the last years to be used to them for the most part. Her smile came easy at the warrior's description of them. "Yes, we are pretty recognizable. I think it will be fine, and if not...I have my axe and you can definitely fight them off with your weapons or your fists. I have no worry about Oakshire." Oppa chuckled and followed her.

Reidun walked next to him through the trees until they opened into a clearing and ahead was the small village. Reidun kept her pace the same as they walked towards the village. There were people working the land. The harvest was being planted and it made her smile. Were they really so different? Apparently they were not so different in all things.

Reidun smiled at Oppa and glanced back at the people in front of her. There had been rains recently and much of the ground was saturated. The people didn't appear to be as clean as she had thought they might be. She also saw the father figure strike the young woman for something and her hand automatically went to her axe. The man yelled at the woman and she nodded and picked up a barrel and walked away quickly. This bothered Reidun and her brow furrowed as she flashed back on memories of Connor.

Reidun was lost in her memories. She was immediately back there again. She felt herself begin to shake and could hear his threats and insults. Seeing his fists as he beat her over and over she felt the rage building up inside of her and she snapped back to reality.

Oppa looked at her and took her hand. "Reidun, are you alright? We can leave you don't need to do this or see this." Reidun shook her head getting a hold of herself.

"No, I am fine. I swear that I will stop that piece of filth from mistreating his family though." She clenched her jaw in determination.

"Their family unit differs from ours. I think I'll be quite able to enjoy slaughtering some of these men who will undeniably deserve it." Reidun claimed with unleashed fury just underneath the surface. Oppa looked at her and understood. Putting his arm around her shoulders he turned her back towards the camp.

Reidun looked up as the sun was setting and she glanced once more at the man and she decided that she would rather enjoy one last night with the vikings celebrating now that they are here, in England. "I'm sure he'll get his. I want some ale. Let's go back. It might be a long time before we get a night without fighting again." She turned and headed back towards the outpost.

A few mugs of ale later, Reidun raised her mug happily and toasted. "SKOL!" She drank and shouted, "May we all fare well and gain wealth and fame!" Shouts agreeing were heard all around. Reidun smiled and took Gustav's hand and let him lead her in a dance. 'Oppa you should grab a girl and dance!" Reidun smiled and let the music and the ale take her.

Aksel walked out of the main hall and saw that there was singing and dancing going on inside the outpost itself. "Aha! Now this is more like it!" Aksel said grabbing the waist of a pretty shieldmaiden and dancing with her. "Oppa, join in!" Reidun's eyes caught Aksel's for a moment and she smiled genuinely at him and his heart skipped a beat.

"Reidun." Leaning back, she looked at Gustav as he swung her and pulled her close to his body. He was not sure he should tell her what he had observed with Aksel but he thought she should know. "Aksel still loves you." He murmured into her ear.

Reidun's expression changed from joy to tension and she pushed him away. "That's not true!" Reidun walked away in a huff. Gustav grabbed a new mug of ale and sat down. He watched as Aksel's smile changed quickly as he watched Reidun leave.

His face turned back to Gustav and he walked over to him. "What did you do to her?"

Gustav took a deep breath, "I told her that I thought you are still in love with her." Aksel didn't expect him to say that. Not really knowing what to say he smiled softly to himself and followed Reidun at a distance to make sure she was safe.

Reidun's Earl (completed)Where stories live. Discover now