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  "i have a long list of things to say but i'll leave it at "you amaze me" - the maine, 'the way we talk' |

"secret government building number one looks more like a one-by-ten chunk of wood."

"more like someone stepped on it."

louis looked up at the siblings with a glare. "considering you both hate each other, you both seem to enjoy making me look like an idiot."

harry and courtney both flashed him nearly identical snarly grins.

zayn rolled his eyes, mumbled, "morons" under his breath, and flipped through the mission file. "okay; built in 1981, the place has been home to genetic experiments by the hundreds. sources cite it's public  aliases have been dog food processing, christmas paper supplies, and even a film set for six different shows." he raised one eyebrow.

the eight were packed into two tables outside a local cafe. for apparently being a hell on earth for people like them, it was sure conveniently placed in suburban california.

"we can sneak in through dozens of different points. air vents are out, though; i doubt we'd be able to get in them, let alone escape through them. that idea in action, that leaves us with a front door, a side door, a back door, and a door on the roof."

"how would we get onto the roof?" liam questioned.

"no idea. we'll just have to all mutate wings in the next fourteen hours."

"the roof isn't that high." madison input, "if we can get a long enough ladder or something, i bet we could make it up."

kris traced her fingers along the edge of the table. her dream had been in her mind all day. she had an uneasy suspicion that she knew the two little boys, but she didn't dare to ask. not yet.

"alright, but we're not buying one." harry said, "there's a more than likely chance that we're going to be caught, so having to leave behind a two-hundred dollar piece of metal wouldn't exactly be a good idea. and we don't want to be tracked through it."

"so it's better to steal one?" kris asked, lowering her voice as to not draw attention by passer-bys.

"hey, i've got morals too, but we're also breaking and entering. we've all done things we're not proud of, i'm sure you're no different."

harry continued to outline the plan, not noticing her face slightly tense.

"we'll divide into two groups. one being a distraction for any guards or people still inside after nightfall, and the other for going to break everyone out. niall, you're obviously going to have to be a part of the group that goes in for extraction."

"kris should be in the main group too." zayn said.

louis caught on. "excellent, great idea."

courtney frowned. "this is going to come out wrong, but, why? she's brand new, is it really a good idea for us to trust her with a big job like this?"

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