Midnight howl

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  After we went on our little date to the movies, we stopped at a restaurant and sat in a booth. The waitress came over and took our orders. For twenty minutes, Silver and I were talking about life... And how it sucks.
  I grinned at Silver, "What is your thought on me moving in?" I asked as he tilted his head and awkwardly smiled.
  "Gold, you know that I can barely support my house alone. How will I take care of you when I don't have enough money?" He stated as the waitress handed us our soft drinks.
  "I have a job that pays well you know. I'll help you with the money." I said between sips of my Coke.
  "Gee, thanks Gold. I appreciate that." He said as his silver eyes twinkled.
  "Silver, I honestly didn't like you before. But I was so wrong. I'm willing to make this work." I said as I took his hands and stared into his eyes, getting lost in them.
"Gold, stop it. You're making me blush." He said as he pulled his hands away and moved his hair out of the way.
"Aww, you're cute when you blush." I teased as the waitress came with our food.


We were on our way home, we heard howling of Pokémon that were deep in the forest. "Gold?" I tried to get his attention, "do you want to be married some day?" I asked as I tried to hide my face.
"Maybe. I'm not sure." He said as he looked at me with a grin. The reflection of the stars shimmered in his eyes.
"I'm getting a little cold..." I mumbled.
"Here, take my jacket." He said as he unzipped it and put it around me.
"Gee, thanks Gold! You're very kind." I said as I placed a kiss upon him.
"No problem. Come on, lets get home." He said as we started to walk again.

Once we got home, I stood in the door way of my bedroom and stretched my arms. A yawn escaped my mouth, "I'm going to bed... Thanks Gold..." I said as I walked over to my bed.

Gold x SilverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang