Social Insecurity

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First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2010, {}. Copyright © 2010 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author. The names of dedicated publications are normally given in italics.



From Coruscant to Naboo, this horoscope is for you

Copyright © 2010 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. {}


The human being can not stand too much reality, even when telepathized from that immensity that is one's original mind. Instead, said being tends to sort of rationalize the thing at hand. One has been swindled in bright daylight under one's very eyes, but all that one is capable to think of is dark conspiracy. Social security matters have a special niche in the hall of the mysteries of the Sith. My social security is squared by 2007 OR10 and Neptune. I can prove that matters with social security will emerge along with more anachronistic detail when Neptune changes sign again, namely...

2010-Aug-14 00:00 Aqr

2010-Aug-15 00:00 Cap

Neptune re-enters Capricornus T2{i}.

So, now I feel safely under control since the secret lord of the solar system is watching over my daily matters. The misty alien swamps of the watery planet mysteriously magnetize my credit cards to perfection. Here is another download from the astral domain from my Personal Cosmic Secretary. This is the initiate: this is the fabric of who we are.


It is a serious problem of human psychology that some people just cannot correctly as well as empirically perceive what is right in front of them, but prefer to create elaborate rationalizations.


Default mind tires easily. It does not even bother to focus on items that are not on its list.


There is a fundamental mistake in any analysis, as humans at this age were fooled into thinking that they think that their own mind is their own: a unique mind for every human.


Default minds are personalized within unique default mind. The mind of this world tends toward unification as through global communication. It wants to be one. The devil wants you to be no one. Humans are as personal as the colors of their cell phones. Mine is yellow.

2009 YE7

Every time a new object of interest is found, new astrological cobwebs adorn the complication of our lives. Will 2009 YE7 help me get married? Actually...

655685 2010 2009 YE7 [...unnamed...] 4.40

666450 2010 2010 EK139 [...unnamed...] 3.80

668191 2010 2010 FX86 [...unnamed...] 4.40

676085 2010 2010 KZ39 [...unnamed...] 4.00

Don't let NASA fool you. Create a conspiracy theory. Your half-baked local astrologist

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