『 Day Five: Don't leave 』

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Jungkook and Seokjin have been dating for almost a month and the two have been getting along very well. With all the positivity and more spirit punched back into him, Jungkook managed to get more done quickly and more happier instead of filling the days with groans and slug movements. The thoughts of Seokjin's smile, laugh and cheers always make the older smile. Despite the whole drama, Seokjin is like a daily medicine to take when ill. Seokjin this, Seokjin that, he just can't help it. The guy is just his whole world, but afraid one day it'll be snatched from him and he'll never get it back. "Jungkookie~ Are you done with work?" Jungkook smiles as he witnessed his boyfriend skipped over to the counter in his cute pink hoodie with black jeans, and flashed his cute grin at the older. "Not yet, baby. but I will be soon and we will go on our date, okay?" Seokjin smiled and nodded then suddenly breaking into tears that surprised Jungkook, forcing him to grab his baby and run into the men's bathroom. Luckily it's only one toilet, so there wouldn't be any nosy folks. "What's wrong, Jinchin? What's bothering you baby?" Jungkook says as he caressed the younger's damped cheeks while wiping away the warm salty tears that stains his face. "I.. I saw Jimin and he tried to ask me out again.. Into dating him but I kept saying no! and I got scared when he suddenly said he'll win me back.. I just want to be with you.." The shock on Jungkook's face couldn't explain much of the anger that dwelled deep in his chest as he hears of this. He eventually calms down and his first priority is to take care of his sincere other.

  Getting off work a bit early, the couple head to Seokjin's home instead to watch a movie, eat dinner and play some 18+ games. The couple had their fun moments and now, Jungkook had to head to the hospital to visit his father that struggles with his amnesia still. Seokjin being understanding and gave his hubby a goodbye kiss. "See You tomorrow, Jagi.. Hehe, stay safe okay?" Jungkook nodded and his bunny smile flashed to Seokjin, being contagious he smiled back and gave each other one more goodbye kiss and have been seperated by the door closing their space in between. Jungkook only walked 10 steps down the street and looked back at Seokjin's home already missing the other. Just then at that moment he realizes Seokjin immediately running out the door all dressed up, heading towards Jungkook's way afterwards holding to his hand as he's low on breath from a small jog. The cold puffs of the air seemingly obviously coming from the younger's half chipped lips. "I want to go with and meet your appa." Jungkook felt moved and held tightly to his cute boyfriend hands. "Alright, let's go meet appa." The two smiled goofily at each other on their way to the hospital, making silly comments and barking at each other whose more cuter when pouting eventually chasing each other around from small playful hits ending it with a backhug as they approached the building filled of people in the process healing...or dying.

  Jungkook, hand in hand with Seokjin, walked in the dull decorated room. The father laying in bed as he looks to the distance as if he's picturing a scenario to play into his head. Something that may not come back to reality. The man noticed the warm and joyous guest walk in and he greets them with a smile to assure them they're welcome to walk in. "Appa, I brought my boyfriend this time. He wanted to see you, so be nice okay?" Jungkook smiled as he sat next to his frail father. The older nodded with a small smile as he turns his attention to the smiling other whom bowed after making eye contact. Seokjin sat next to them as well, bringing out his polaroid camera that he brought along when getting ready before leaving his house to catch up with Jungkook. "If you don't mind.. I would like to take a picture of the three of us, Mr.Jeon?" The man nodded his head as he didn't mind and the three got into position. Seokjin on one side while Jungkook on the other, the man sandwhich in between the two as the nurse, who Seokjin called in to help take the picture, counts down after they've all smiled. "One..Two..Three!" The picture was taken.

  Jungkook and Seokjin loved the picture and so did Mr.Jeon. Jungkook was happy at the fact his father is smiling more than usual and hopefully, just hopefully that his father's amnesia can subside. However, it may atick with him as he's aging so no hand of the clock can be turned back. "Appa, have you remembered anything recently?" Jungkook curiously asked with a slight pain. Who knew he'd have to ask if his father remembers anything? The man took his eyes off Jungkook, his smile fading as he stares back into space. His wrinkly forehead and brows furrow as he tries hard to remember. Then the thoughts back to the multiple endless dreams he's having comes to mind. "There's..always this woman and a child that I keep having a dream of. There's always blue roses being carried around by those two.. Then it just.. The mother's rose turns black and crumpled to the ground.." Jungkook was confused as he can't quite understand what his father is talking about, but assumes the mother and child is supposed to be his mother and himself. Seokjin just had no awareness or of any clue of what the older one is saying. The flowers could symbolize something maybe? If so, what could they mean.. "Everytime the petals reaches the floor, I see water ripples and then a reflection comes up. A man's back view appears. I don't know who it is because it is hard to remember that when I always wake up. Jungkook, is your mother's name..Eunha?" Jungkook's eyes widen and nodded quickly as he held to hos father's forearm. "Y.. You remembered Eomma? Maybe you saw her your dream--"

"I only heard the name.. Along with a child calling out to that woman. The child did seem similar to you.. So I assume the woman, Eunha is your mother." Jungkook felt his heart sting as he remembered the good memories of his mother. Even the fact his father could be close to remembering them, hopefully he doesn't ask for her existence. "Mr.Jeon, it's time for your daily check up. Can the two of you come another time?" Seokjin and Jungkook hesitated a little then eventually nodded and have left the room after saying their goodbyes.

Been a while and I finally uploaded a chapter. I apologize for any late updates. Just experienced a great moment yesterday, felt as if I had a break from reality. Anyway, see you another time.

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