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I wake up and check the time, it's 8:45 am Saturday. 

"I guess I've only got 15 minutes till we get there" I mumble to myself. "Yes we do, if you look out your window you should see land" A Flight Attendent says while walking past. "Oh did you hear that? sorry I was talking to myself" I tell the woman. "Thats completely fine, I hope you have a nice time while youre here" The woman beams at me and continues walking down the isle.

I then look out the window to see what she was telling me about. "Its beautiful" I whisper to myself.

Then I hear the captain speak over the speaker "We have arrived in Oslo everyone so it's time to land, put your seatbelts on please" I do as I'm told and the plane lands. Again I hear the captain's voice over the speaker, "Okay everyone you are safe to get off the plane, have a nice time!"

I walk into the Airport and see a family with a sign that says 'Alexa Clark, Welcome to Norway' on it. I make my way towards them and a particularly excited girl greets me.

"You must be Alexa, you are so pretty, Hei my name is Maja and this is my family, Mum, Dad and my brother, Aksel" she say pointing around introducing everyone. "Hey, yes I'm Alexa, thanks for the compliment and it's nice to meet you all!"

"We better get going it takes a while to get back home to Trofors, almost 3 hours if you want to know" she smiles at me and motions for me to follow her. "Oh and I've got 2 friends coming over to meet you, they should be at our house not long after we get home" she added.

"Sounds cool I'm ready to go" I say grabbing my luggage and making my way towards where she was heading.

In the car everyone was singing except me because I dont know Norwegian. The only Norwegian songs I know are by Marcus & Martinus, They live in Trofors and I'm excited because I might get to meet them. Little did I know I had a surprise waiting for me at the house.

~Skip the rest of the car ride~

We were slowly driving down the street when I saw two figures sitting on the front steps of the house I was told I was staying at.

"THEY'RE HERE!" Maja shouts excitedly into my ear.

We got closer and started pulling into their driveway, Thats when I realised who was waiting for us. The two boys who sat there had blonde hair shaved on the sides, one of them had longer hair then the other, They had a soccer ball at their feet or a football as they like to call them here in Norway, and they are totally adorable.

"Marcus & Martinus!" I scream racing out of the car to meet them "I thought I would never get the chance to meet you"

"Hei, you must be Alexa" Marcus says watching as I make my way over to them.
"We have been told by Maja that your staying with her for a month and will be going to our school. Pleased to meet you" Martinus hold out his hand to shake mine, which I take. "You too!"

"I see you know them, you must be an mmer" Maja says getting out of the car with my stuff that I forgot when I rushed to see the boys. "Yeah I am, and I'm sorry I left you to get my stuff I was just excited" "It's fine, I get what you mean"

"Hey babe, you look tired what time did you get up this morning to pick up Alexa?" I spin around and look wide eyed at Tinus. My thoughts go wild and I scream "WHAT?!?!"

Oh yeah I forgot Tinus has a girlfriend I guess I got to meet her too, Maja has Tinus she's lucky. I hope Marcus is still single. WAIT WHAT??!! I'm not thinking straight I must be tired.

"Alexa? Are you ok?" They all say snapping me out of my thoughts. Thank god for that I was starting to think I was going crazy. I just met him I can't like him already, can I? STOP IT ALEXA JUST ANSWER THEIR QUESTION!!

"Y-yeah I'm f-fine" I stutter staring at Marcus, then quickly look away when I realised what I am doing. "Good I was starting to worry about you, Lets go inside I have a feeling we're going to be great friends" Maja says to us and we put my stuff in the guest room.

(A/N I hope you liked this part of the story, if you did please comment and vote. Let me know any ways you think I could improve my stories and if you think this one is too long. Thanks for reading and I'll see ya next time)
-6th of May

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