chapter 1

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This one might be the longest on put of the other one.

Alyssa's POV

Why why why. Why do have to be the one getting bullied all the time. Why do I have to lie to my parent about school and the bruises and scratches and the marks.

It doesn't matter any more it's never gonna stop so what's the point.

(school day)

*beep beep beep*

There goes the alarm to wake me up to another horrible day.

I stopped it by hitting it. Make my bed and get dressed, go eat, grab my stuff and head out the door.

I wore something simple. I had a normal tee-shirt that said free hugs. it was weird cuz a boy with blond hair was wearing the same thing and he was staring at me. Not just him four other boys wore the same thing. so I put my plane snap back on and walk faster.

Then they all had the same nap back on. Ok this is FEAKING ME OUT. So I want inside and went right to my locker. Something fell out of it. it was a note. it said .....

" Dear Alyssa,

we see you have bullies in your hands. We will protect you from them.

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