CHAPTER 20 - Goodbye Czarlize

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Dr. Balacina upon entering the room saw that the nuclear reactor is on the high alert level and will almost explode anytime.

Dr. Balacina gets some tools he is carrying and began to shutting down manually the nuclear reactor. The first and two attempts were unsuccessful.

Dr. Balacina: it’s not working, I’ll try this one.

He used again another solution to make the nuclear reactor stabilized. However, it’s not working.

Five minutes more to explode.

The Nuclear Scientist 3 cannot withstand anymore monitoring the control operation, time is running, and he is thinking that Dr. Balacina might not get succeeding shutting down the nuclear reactor manually. He left Dr. Balacina behind, uninformed.

Meanwhile, Dr. Balacina almost gave up; he can’t think anymore of a solution, the manual operation of shutting down seems not working at all.

Vince closed his eyes, trying to analyze and strategize with the situation.

Vince: Think Vince, c’mon.

Then suddenly, he remembers the “reverse engineering process” that could make the nuclear reactor stabilize, it wasn’t done before in practice, and it wasn’t even written in the Nuclear Reactor user’s manual.

He could hardly remember that it was one of the research papers he published years ago; he knew it works on theory.

Vince: …if a theory works, so in practice.

However; he knows that this is a high risk action to take.

Vince: …I don’t have a choice.

He grabs the tools behind him and tried the new process to make the nuclear reactor stabilized.  

40 seconds left.

20 seconds.

After he had done with it, he presses the green button.

16 seconds.

Vince: …c’mon.

He press and press again.

10 seconds.

Nothing happened.

Vince: …this is it, we’re dead.

Then suddenly, something happens…the nuclear reactor begins to stabilize a little.

Vince almost shocked, can’t believe on what he is seeing.

Vince: Eureka!

However, radiation began to enter his body; there was a limited to stay within the nuclear reactor room, even wearing the anti-radiation suit. His skin begins to produce a small chicken pox like disease.

He walks fast out of the nuclear reactor room and closes the door. The nuclear reactor begins to stabilize in a safe level.

Vince immediately proceeded to washing room for anti-radiation. The wounds heal.

Vince wants to tell Nuclear Physicist 3, saying the nuclear reactor begins to stabilize. However, he couldn’t see him in the control monitoring room.

Suddenly, someone slaps hard a chair on his back.

It was the mad man who was in the Wisly University a while ago with the rallyist and protestors. The mastermind, he dismantled the nuclear reactor.

Jackson: You shouldn’t do that, Vince. Let this plant explode and kill many people in Mandaya, this country’s people will no more to blame but the management of this plant and the government!

Jackson: Ha ha… ha ha ha!

Vince was hurt, he can’t stand.

Vince: …You’re mad Jack, stop doing these...

Then he followed in a small voice.

Vince: …surrender  ...surrender to the police.

Jackson’s eye widens, provoking his angriness.

He then said in a loud angry voice.

Jackson: What!? …

Jackson: me?!? …

Jackson: Surrender?!? …

Then he shouted.

Jackson: Nevvaahhhh!!!

Jackson kicked Vince many times while he was lay down, he then followed punching his face, his head, his belly, and then Jackson saw a wooden chair behind.

Jackson grabs the chair and slammed again many times on Vince until the wooden chair is broken, he grabs a piece of wood from the broken chair, and stab Vince chest.

Vince felt the pain on all parts of his body, but the pain stab in the chest is the greatest of all, blood begins to flow, like a waterfall.

Vince almost can’t breathe, he can’t stand anymore, almost half dead.

Vince: Jackson... stop... many will die…

He’s chest is bleeding fast.

Jackson hears his voice but didn’t mind him, he left Vince.

Vince blinks his eye slowly and said in a faint voice.

Vince: Czarlize…

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