Chapter 6

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It was a ten minutes walk towards the town market. I was sure if these white Bellwarts didn't help me, I would surely get lost and be eaten by some animals.

I dragged Hayden inside a grocery store and looked at the various items kept displayed in rows.

"Where's your shopping list? " He asked picking up two chocolate bars and throwing them inside the cart. "Those are mine. "

I nodded. "I didn't bring any list, I have them in my mind. "

I picked up a carton of milk and put in the cart.

"So what are your different powers? " I asked him mentally snorting cause I'm standing in 21st century and asking the person beside me about his powers.

What is it? Fucking fairlytale?

But since many things have happened and are happening with me, I really have started to believe they are real.

"I won't tell you." he shook his head smiling sweetly.


"You only get to know one of my powers at a time, not all at once."


I stared at him as he picked up the cheese I put in the cart and replaced it with another from the rack.

"What happened to this? " I asked examining the previous one carefully. It looked okay.

"It's not fresh." he simply said and started walking.

"And how do you know? " I asked running behind him since he had this freakish long legs. "I clearly remember looking at the dates and other stuff but none indicated it was not fresh."

"If you don't believe me then buy that and see by yourself. " he shrugged.

"Do you need jam? " he asked picking up a purple coloured jam.

"It's blueberry right? "

He hummed in agreement. "I love this flavor."

"Alright. I'll try it. " I grinned taking the jar from him and put in the cart.

I looked inside the cart seeing it's almost done, only a few items left.

"You have any siblings? " I thought of asking him some personal questions cause I was just dying to know this guy.

" I have two brothers and a sister. Aron, Zack, Torsha. I'm the eldest one."

Once we have finished shopping we stood in line to pay. "I'll pay for the chocolates separately alright? " He stated sternly .

I couldn't do much but only nod.

He stuffed the chocolates inside his pocket and I literally fainted seeing the amount of money I had to pay and the amount of load I had to carry after.

This is the reason why my dad doesn't trust me with grocery shopping.

"Don't worry I'll carry them." he said and lifted the two huge bags easily. So he was that strong.

"No. No need. I can do that. I'm not so weak." I immediately tried to protest but failed.

"What? Girl power and all that?" he chuckled. "I'm not letting you carry it. Now let's go."

I huffed in annoyance crossing my arms over my chest. " But I ca-"

"Iris.." he said with a stern look . I immediately felt like I'm going to turn into liquid and seep through the ground.

But then immediately he smiled. "You got so scared." he chuckled. "Please let me carry them. " he asked sweetly.

I nodded exiting the shop. He followed later.

We walked for sometime. Me showing him the different roads and alleys.

We finally reached my place and I opened the door to the familiar warm and cozy feeling. I love my home.

"Nice house." he commented putting the bags on the table.

"You want something to drink? " I asked walking towards the kitchen.

"Yeah, a glass of water would be nice. " I watched him as he shrugged off the coat and I gaped at his lightly build body.

His muscles so prominent under his white T-shirt and well... maybe I got a bit curious to see more of it.

I shook my head not wanting to think more of it.

I filled in a glass of water walking inside the living where he was sitting with his legs crossed.

I rolled my eyes. Already made himself at home.

He smiled taking the glass from me thanking me.

'' Hey, I wanted to say thank you. Like all these things were heavy and I let you carry it. You really shouldn't have done so much-" I was cut off by his loud laughter.

"Hey hey hey... Stop apologising, yeah? You told me you could carry but I insisted ,okay? So no need to apologize." He said rubbing his eyes.

" But really thank you... " I trailed off watching him rub his eyes again and again. Maybe something went inside.

" Your welcome." he said smiling.

I smiled back and I suddenly had the urge of something. I wanted to see another power of him. And I really wanted to see it so desperately.

"Can you please show me another magic? Please please pleeeeease. " I pleaded a lot joining my hands and making doe eyes. Hope it works.

"But Iris I said -"

"I know... But please. One atleast." I pleaded more. I really wanted to see another.

"Okay... I'll show you the water magic okay? " he finally agreed and I let out a squeal of excitement.

My eyes lit up immediately as I moved closer to him. Not too close though.

"You ready? " he asked placing the glass which still had some water in it on the coffee table and sat straight.

I couldn't nod any faster.

I saw as he raised the index finger of his right hand and with some familiar motions of his finger the water in the glass slowly started coming up.

The water formed like a thin line as it rose moving just the way Hayden wanted to move it.

I gasped moving forward to touch it.

"No! Don't touch it!" he shook his head. I looked at him once then again at the water. "If you touch it the magic will be gone."

"So, even you can't touched when you show the magic?" I inquired.

He chuckled. "You're cute when you ask me questions. But no, you can touch me but you can't touch my magic then it'll not work."

He slowly let the water drop in its original position. "Now I think I should go.. Torsha worries too much she'll be worried."

My heart clenched hearing how concerned he is about his sisters.

I nodded. "Sure. I'll walk you out". I handed him the coat helping him a bit to slip it on.

"So, we'll meet again?" I asked not wanting to leave his company. Why can't I just be with him and see his magic?

"Of course. I'll be around. Just come inside the forest I'll surely find you somewhere... " he trailed off as his eyes landed on my shoulder where the collar of my shirt was hanging down revealing the birthmark.

He took a sharp breath in forcing me a smile. "Bye" he said almost running out.

What's wrong with my birthmark I wonder...


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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