chapter four

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     **Guys, I want to say that I LOVE Eli and Elena together, they are my OTP, and I would never, EVER hate on Elena. She is gorgeous and amazing and I hope her and Eli stay together for a long, long time. I just need a semi-realistic plot for this story, so she will be mentioned and seen in here, but I just want to note that I do not hate her and this story isn't meant to harm her in any way.**also apparently my phone likes to correct Elena to Elanore a lot and I usually write this on my phone so if you see that you know why**

     Eli was on his phone when I woke up. He was probably trying to keep up with his lie he told his mom last night: he was at his friend Michael's house, and he was staying there and going to school from there. Which reminded me, there was school in about two hours. My alarm was going off, ironically playing 'Heyeayea', which I'm sure startled Eli once it went off.

     I reached over, turning the alarm off (this required me to reach over Eli because apparently, he was too lazy to turn it off himself.) Eli sat his phone on his chest and turned his head to look at me. We were still inches apart, the way we fell asleep. It was awkward to think that this really cute guy was laying next to me. 

     "Good morning." He said, yawning. 

     "Morning," I replied. I pushed myself up, stretching a little bit before crawling over him. I walked over to my closet, opening it up. My clothes shifted, and I lazily pulled out something to wear. It was then that it occurred to me that my mom had no idea Eli slept over, let alone that he slept literally inches away from me. But it was too late to do anything about that, so I figured, whatever happens, happens.

     I turned around, holding my clothes in my hand, staring at Eli. He gave me a questioning look, his eyebrows raised. 

     "Leave, I need to change," I replied, pointing towards the door. He got all red and quickly left. I shook my head, rolling my eyes. 

     I opened my door to find Eli leaning against the wall, waiting for me. He entered my room, looking at me. 

     "Can I still sit with you at lunch?" He asked.

     "I mean, weren't you going to do that no matter what I said?" I asked him, almost not taking the question seriously.

     "I'm just afraid of you hating me..." He confessed. He rubbed his arm with his hand, looking down at his feet. It occurred to me then that he was very sensitive, and that I was really hurting him yesterday. I didn't know how to handle this.

     "I don't hate you. I'm just passive-aggressive." I said truthfully. Eli sighed, looking really sad. I hated whenever Eli looked sad. It made me want to wrap my arms around him and try and make him feel better. Although, I was quite trash with emotions, so I decided it wasn't really my place to try and make him feel like the most special person in the world.

     "Just - why towards me?" He asked. We both looked confused. I mean, to be fair, we were confused. All this anger was burning me it, but it was enough to keep us both warm. It was like I was winning and losing. But Eli was mostly loosing, because if he was telling the truth and I truly was his best friend, then he was probably in a lot of pain right now. The thought of Eli being in pain scared me a little bit.

     "I guess I'm just afraid." I confessed, shoving my hands in my hoodie pocket.

     "Of what?" He asked in return. I thought for a moment, unsure of the correct answer.

     "Not being good enough to be your favorite person." I finally said.

     "But why do you have to be my favorite person? Not like you aren't anyway, that is."

set//elijah stevensonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin