Chapter 1

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This piece is simply [fan]fiction, meaning it's obviously not real. So with that most of the members won't have the s/o's they have in real life, in the story. Along with that, this story is in development. There may be smut and other things that may trigger you - there will be a warning when/if that does happen. So with that, thanks for reading!

Noah's POV

We just got done filming "OLIVIA'S BEST EPISODE (The Show w/ No Name)" and to be honest, it was definitely awkward between Shayne and Olivia. Usually, they're play-arguing. But today, they were actually nice to each other. Maybe I'm missing something, but it's probably nothing and I should keep it to myself.

Shayne's POV

As we were leaving the set Ian caught all of our attention. "Guys! One more thing before we wrap up today. Tomorrow we'll be getting a "new" member." He said new with finger quotations, and that definitely confused me. I looked over to Keith and he seemed confused too. We both shrugged and continued listening. "Some of you may be happy, or may not be. I know I am, so please give a warm welcoming either way." After he said that he signaled he was done talking and started talking to Joe.

I found the Smosh Squad mid-conversation. "I'm kinda excited for a new member, ya know? What about you, Shayne?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah, I guess. But Ian honestly confused me with the whole finger quotations."

"Me tooo!!!" Keith said, slumping. We all laughed, then it got quiet. I started to think about the video today. I don't know why but I just couldn't stop looking at Olivia today. Hopefully, nobody noticed. Surely it couldn't be anything. I mean, I'm with Courtney, I couldn't be happier. Noah broke the silence, "Welp, guys I gotta go. My mom's here, bye everyone!" He waved and we all said goodbye back. Keith turned back to the group, "Soo, who's down to hang out tonight?" Just then Courtney came right to my side, putting her hand on my arm. "Actually, Shayne and I have plans tonight."

"Aw, that's too bad. What about you Olivia?"

Olivia took a quick glance at me and tucked her long dark brown hair behind her ear, slightly showing sadness. "Uh, yeah I'm free tonight."

"Awesome!" Keith replied, giving me the look. "Sorry, you couldn't come tonight guys. It'll be laid back anyway, don't worry it's no big deal."

"Yeah, well bye guys!" Courtney quickly replied waving to Keith and Olivia, grabbing my arm now, motioning to leave. I licked my lips in embarrassment. Why was I embarrassed? Courtney's my girlfriend, this is normal..right? I waved to Olivia and Kieth, turning to walk with Courtney. I really wish I could've gone with them tonight. But I was also excited to spend the night with Courtney. She's like my best friend, and really fun to be around. But so are Olivia and Keith. I miss having us 5 just hang out. I turned back, hoping to get a glimpse of Olivia. Nothing. Not like that mattered or anything. But if it didn't then how come do her dark brown eyes looking at me keeping replaying, and replaying in my mind?

Olivia's POV

Once Shayne and Courtney left, I wanted to get out of the parking lot as soon as possible. I don't know why, but I just did. Keith ran up to me, "Jeez Olivia, slow down."

"Oh uh sorry," I replied, unlocking my car and getting in. This was the daily routine. Carpooling Keith since he can't drive. But I'm fine with that, he's my best friend. "You okay girl? I've never seen you walk that fast. Or run actually.." I laughed and drove out of the parking lot. "Yes, I'm fine. Just anxious about tomorrow I guess."

"Mm, okay then." He shrugged and turned up the radio. I couldn't wait to just sit on the couch and watch Netflix, to be honest. But there's one more thing on my mind. Shayne. Out of all the people why him? I guess today was pretty awkward on set, but it's nothing.

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