both dare

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Amaya: hello so the dare would have been done yesterday but I made an intro video and wattpad won't let me show it but soon we will have an intro video!!!!

Branch: welp I hate the dare

Poppy: as much as I love you you hate everything!!

Amaya: shes got a point

Branch: who cares

Poppy: me now the dare is we have to have a sleepover and me and branch have to stay next to each other the wehole time

Branch:*stands by poppy*

Amaya: hold on I gots to go too

Poppy: come on then leta go to your house

At my house

Poppy: wow you have a big house a

Amaya: not really you gyes are just small

Branch: well better find something to do

Amaya: hold on keep calm and eat pizza * gives them pizza* *ties a rope around them

Poppy:why the heak did you tie a rope around us!!??

Amaya: sorry I got to do what I got to do now you two go take a walk.

Poppy: ooooooook? *walks*

Branch :* fractures his skull*

30 mins later

Amaya: branch it looks like you are hurt

Branch: ya think!?

Poppy: can ya untie the rope now!!

Amaya: no lets play truth or dare?

Poppy:fine but im going first

Amaya: dang it

Poppy:truth or dare?

Amaya: dare

Poppy: I dare you to run around in your underpants out side and yell I'm stupid!!😂😆😈

Amaya: if I do that you are gonna get what is coming

Branch: *gets phone ready*

Poppy:*does the same*

Amaya: OK I ain't doing this

That night

Poppy: this is gonna be uncomfortable

Branch: you can say that again

Next morning at 5:30


Poppy: its 5:30!!!!

Amaya: don't care.

Poppy:*mumbles* sassy

Amaya:I herd that!! *stomps out*

Branch: can we take the rope of now!!

Poppy: I were lucky.

Amaya: *eating waffles singing hatsune miku love ward*

Branch:is that gibberish?

Amaya: no Japanese

Poppy: ohhhhhhh

Amaya: well bye take the rope off

Author note
Sorry this isn't very interesting I ran out of ideas

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