Part III

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“Good Morning Charleeeeeeene!!” Leah squealed as she enter the classroom.

“Geez, for once Leah, keep it down will you?” I said while covering my ears with my hands.

"Beautiful day, isn't it?" she said as she moves her eyebrows up and down.

I frowned and then chuckled. "Care to fill me in?" I said and leaned towards her.

"It's a secret that even you must not know." she said with her index finger on her lips. "It is something that must be kept just between me and that person." She winked and turned her back on me.

Stingy witch!

I went to the library to borrow andcontinue reading the book I started a week ago when I heard voice from the other side of the bookshelves. The voice seemed so familiar, where did I hear it? I wasn't that interested so I didn't mind it all and get the books and gave my Library Card to the Librarian. I went at the backyard, sat on the grass and started reading.

"Make me, stupid!" a panting voice said.

It is the soccer team spending their vacant time practicing for the they're upcoming tournament.

"Hey Dave, stop being cocky you idiot. Do that when you get the ball from that freshman!" the other one yelled, that's they're captain. "How many minutes has passed Mary?" he asked to the team's manager.

"An hour and 10 minutes already, CAPTAIN." the girl answered emphasizing the word Captain.

So noisy. They are so noisy, and also add those loud and boisterous girls wanting attention, I can never imagine myself doing something like that.

"Yeah! Go Luigi!" a girl squealed.

"That freshman is awesome!" a guy said from the audience.

"We'll be needing him for the Tournament, right Mary?" the Captain.

"We still need to train him to play as a team. He's such a brat." Mary-girl said.

Geez they're trying so hard. I wonder what's Prince doing right now. I look at the field and lock my eyes in a group of people just beside the scoreboard.

That's right, I am inlove with a certain someone. Whenever I think about him and his wonderful smile, I smile along. Just the thought of him, It makes my heart race. His presence is something that connected to me that even if he is surrounded by many people or in a crowded place, I can see him in just one look.

Ahh~ahh, this feelings of mine is too deep.

"Leah, how's finding Mr. True Love?" I asked while having a bite on octo hotdog Leah made for lunch.

"Funny hearing that from you." she said sarcastically that made me hit her shoulder. "Ouch!" she exclaimed while wiping it.

"I'm serious you freaking witch." I said and gave her a sharp look.

Her brow arched, "Who's the witch among us, do you think?" she asked giving me a meaningful look.

I put my attention into the food in my luncbox. "So?" I asked again while eating. It's salty.

"In progress," she said with a sigh, "I think or maybe I should do something about it." she mumbled like she's talking to herself.

I got curious so I look at her, "Do something about what?" I asked.

"You need not to know." she answered winking while her index finger again on her lips.

I'm starting to feel uneasy about this.

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