Chapter 1

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We had landed in Sydney about 10 hours ago we as in The Vamps the band i'm part of, we were in Sydney, Australia for a promo tour basically. it was about 5pm I decided to go out to our balcony to see what the view looked like of the city. There was a little table and two chairs so I sat down and pulled out my phone and took a photo of the view of the city then uploaded it straight to instagram with the caption "Hey Sydney" and then I closed the app and opened up twitter and scrolled through for 10 minutes before putting my phone down on the table.

I looked out across the balcony and in the not so distance I saw a girl sitting there she was so close yet so far away, I could see her and for a moment I just starred at her without realising I hope she hadn't notice but she did, she smiled at me. I didn't know what else to do but stare at her. I knew if I yelled across she either wouldn't hear me or i'd look/sound like an idiot. So I just decided to wave and she waved back. Although we couldn't see each other perfectly we could see each other enough to know that our eyes were pretty much locked and enough to see what she looked like. I heard Connor call out from the bedroom but I couldn't hear what he was saying so I let our eyes break and looked down and saw the time. I realised it was 6pm how had I been out on this balcony for like an hour. Connor obviously annoyed that I didn't reply to him so he walked out and said "dude hurry up, we're going to dinner in 10 minutes" as I was focused on what Connor was saying I totally realised that I had been looking away for too long so I looked back out to the balcony and there she was walking inside. 

The look on my face changed from a smile to pretty much nothing, blank facials is all I had so I picked up my phone and walked inside to get changed and then we left for dinner. Literally the whole night we were out I just pictured the balcony girl's face, I had no idea what her name was I had no idea about anything about her all I had was this mental picture of a beautiful smile sitting there across from me. 

 The next morning I woke up, picked up my phone and went on twitter to tweet about our sunrise performance that was happening. After about 15 minutes I decided to head to the gym to have a pre-workout before performing and the gym often clears my head or otherwise it makes me think about everything twice as bad. I finished my workout and went back to the room had a shower and got ready. Sunrise was bright and early but I had already been up since early early hours because my mind was going insane. I had to think of a way to stop thinking about this face that I know nothing about. I was hoping this performance and today's busy schedule would help me.

When we arrived at Sunrise we went inside and we walked over to the window and saw all the fans outside, we waved to them and they all waved back. We still couldn't believe how many Australian fans we had. As I was looking at them all I looked over the crowd and I saw a familiar person walking past. It was her, she was there, she was walking past, I wanted to run out of the studio. I wanted to run over to her and ask her what her name was but I just watched her walk away again and I didn't realise how long I had been starring at her again as Brad told me to hurry up and move so we could get ready to perform. 

After we performed we went outside to meet fans and take photos and I kept looking around hoping she would walk back hoping I would see her again, wondering where she was right now. Maybe she was on the balcony? James pull yourself together, all these fans are here to see you. I snapped out of it and met all the fans.

After Sunrise we went to a few other interviews and then we had lunch, we had another gig and meet and greet in the afternoon. 

We headed to the gig that we had to go to when we got there we found out it was one where fans had to win to attend. 

We performed then we were doing the meet and greet, Joe disappeared and we had no idea where to. I took photos with everyone and it went by so fast I looked over and I saw Connor talking to the same girl for awhile so I decided to go over and say hi. "hey Con, what you doing?" "what does it look like i'm doing, i'm talking" he said. "I don't think i've met you yet what's your name" I said to the girl that Con had been talking to "I'm sheraya" she replied "I'm James" I said stupidly "oh really?" she said back sarcastically we both laughed whilst Connor just stood there looking at her. I knew that look all too well, not just from being around Connor for over the past year but I knew that look from personal experience clearly he thought she was cute i'm not sure she realised though. 

I didn't know what else to say so I just said "Do you want a photo?" to her and she said "sure" back I took a photo with her then moved on. As I was walking away I heard her say "here's my twitter" and hand a piece of paper to Connor with it on it. Fans did that all the time we got hundreds of pieces of paper everywhere we went and hundreds of fans begging us for a follow all the time, but this time I knew it would be different Connor wasn't going to let go of that piece of paper for anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2014 ⏰

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