Chapter 1: People aren't what they seem.

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'People say he can control things with his mind!"

That rumor was going around a lot since he had showed up in the high school. Rumors that became sillier every time they were said. Some started calling the guy a demon, others a god. It honestly depended on the person's point of view.

"Come on you don't obviously believe that, do you?

"It could be true, you know? It's possible!"

"Come on! How the fuck is that possible?! Use your brain Jonathan.

"Actually," stated the only girl sitting on that table "it's proven that humans would be able to lift objects with their minds if we could use one hundred percent of our brain."

"Exactly, if we could, but we can't and no human on this earth has been able to."

Everyone was quiet for a moment. After a while Jonathan opened his eyes wide.

"He's an alien!" He screamed as he slammed his hands on the table.

Everyone rolled their eyes.

"Look Jona, you need to stop believing everything ya hear." Said the only person in the whole table who was in disagreement with all the conversation they were having about the new kid. One of the guys who had said nothing stood up and left the table.

"Where are you going, Logan?" asked Katherine.

"Just going to walk around.  This bullshit's driving me crazy."

The guy walked around to 'get away from all those rumors' and looked around as he walked. He just walked all over campus to try to find this "god". He was a normal looking guy so finding him in a place full of people was going to be a problem. The only thing that did make him stand out was the fact that he was always barefoot.

"Come on... where are you?" He asked himself as he walked past the lockers. "Black hair, blue eyes, no shoes.... hair, blue eyes, no shoes, bandages...." He repeated to himself as he walked so he would have at least some reference. He somehow ended up in the garden and walked around the cafeteria looking for him. He was starting to lose his patience. The clock was running, after all and if the bell rang before he could find him... then that would mean he lost his chance for the day. They shared absolutely no classes and had no similar teacher either.

Logan was ready to give up the search when he finally found him. He was sitting in the table right in the middle of the garden, by himself, eating a sandwich as he read this particular book he always carried around.

"Are you shitting me?" he exclaimed. "He used to be surrounded by people all the time and now because of that stupid rumor, people just...."

Logan clinched his fists and clenched his jaw. After a few seconds he finally gathered up the courage and started walking toward the black haired guy.


The black haired guy sitting on the table stopped chewing and looked toward the wavy haired guy talking. He seemed popular just at first glance. Tall, strong, good looking even his hair color was nice. Light brown with a touch of gold.

"You're new aren't you? I'm Logan. What's your name?" he said as he reached his hand to him.

The boy swallowed and shook Logan's hand.


"That's an awesome name. what's your family name?"

"Um.... Do you need something?"

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