Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Yamato Hina x Akashi Seijuro

Hina POV

A good week has passed and I made a lot of friends in class...eventhough that nuisance will always be there. It's annoying how teachers and students are always so scared of him! What's so big about him? Just because his eyes are of different colors? It's not like he's some demon lord from some magical world right?

"Okay now switch your papers with the person beside you to mark." Sensei announced. Holy. I have to mark HIS paper?

"Pass me your paper." I said to Akashi without looking at him.

"You ordering me around? Watch your words." Oh there's goes the 'Emperor'. I recently found out that he has some Emperor eye that he uses when he plays basketball, sounds cool but would be cooler if someone else had that eye of his.

"What? I didn't order you around I was just following instructions!" I replied furiously.

"I don't want to touch your filthy paper." Here he goes again.

"You think I want to touch yours?!"

"At least mine is cleaner then yours."

"Oh at least I don't act all mighty unlike SOMEONE!"

"You want to be miserable for your rest of your life?"

"Try me!"

"Yamato-chan, Akashi-kun, since my lessons are so boring, please step outside of the class." Oh man. Sensei caught us.

"Sorry sensei." I stood up and walked out of the classroom just to find out that he was doing the same.

"Hey don't follow me!" I said to Akashi.

"Can't you shut up for once?" He replied with his usual mighty tone. Oh if I could slap him once.

Akashi POV

Why is someone like me stuck with a annoying idiot like her? I've never seen someone like her before. Usually, everyone would obey me, and now she comes into my life and apparently likes to disobey. What's the reason?

"Hey, I got a question." I unconsciously said.

"....what?" She turned around, having a confused and shocked expression.

"Are you deaf?"

"W-What?! I'm not! I'm just shocked okay!"

"Whatever but, are you not scared of me?" Ah, I said it.

"Scared? Why would I be scared of a guy same height as me? Just because he's feared by everyone? I don't follow others opinions when it comes to people. I follow my own feelings and opinions. Got a problem?!" She's surprisingly straightforward.

"That's a stupid answer, I'm done asking. You can leave."

"S-Stupid? And I'm not leaving! I'm not going to take your orders!" Again. Again she disobeys me. This is annoying, why is it so annoying? Why? Why is this girl so different? She gets on my nerves...okay. I've decided. I will make sure that she will suffer for the rest of her high school days, see whether she can take that.

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