the story

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⚠Warning ⚠
Swear word. Love. Violence. 

Have fun 😘

Patrick  Jp Gar Wade And Nessy. Play a game called. CARD'S AGAINST HUMANLY. And Nessy is the cardzar.  " he Gar this is something for ya. I drink to forget.  Blink " Say Nessy and the guys play the card's. " we're ready " Say Pat "alright " Say Nessy. And flip the card's " so let's read. I drink to forget. What will Jesus do. Okay that one sucks. So. I drink to forget. Alcoholism. Ooooooooo shit thaaaat one is my favorite. OK let's move on. I drink to forget. My worthless son. Omg how in the ass play that card. Ok i drink to forget. Bees? . Why bees I like bees " Say Nessy. " yes but how are you choose " Say Pat " alcoholism.  Is ma favorite" Say Nessy. Then Pat Grap the the black card. " Yaaaaaaaaaaa " Say Pat .after two hours they ended the game. And they talk about the news. " I heard there's a HERO STATIC GHOST . " Say Jp " I hear about him. He helpt the girls how got stuk in the bus. " Say Jp " yes and the villain TAN " Say Pat "o hear that she stole some money of the bank in my the city. " Say Gar " what will happen when STATIC GHOS . And TAN . Fighting. " Say Jp " I DON'T KNOW " Say Nessy then she feels a dark spark. " we'll i need to go bye guys " Say Nessy. " bye Nessy " Say Jp Wade and Gar " bye my little gengar " Say Pat . Nessy took a last look on Pat. And go off Skype. And Pat feel something no good. " I need to go I'm sorry bubby's. I need to feed Olivia " Say Pat. And go off the Skype and game's. And feed Olivia. 

✘Time skip ✘
Nessy look at her weapon. " why am i still a villain. I mean i love to do bad stuff. And how is that static kid that they talking about. Mmm I'm gonna do bad stuff bad bad stuff " Say Nessy. How is in the city. In her villain form. Because SHE IS THE ARSENAL NIGHTMARE (TAN) . So she walks to a jewelry shop. Then she stole diamond's and golden rings. And kill the employee. Then she pack the stuff in a Mysterious place . Then she go to the center of the city. And create chaos. " you how the fuck are you. " Say a man with ghost like statics in the color. Green and purple. " I'm THE ARSENAL NIGHTMARE. AND how are you " Say Nessy " I'm STATIC GHOST. And you are no welcome in this city. " Say Static . But Nessy hear something . Something familiar . His voice is like one of her best / crush  friend. " hahahahhah I'm not going anywhere  . Static bitch.  This is my city. And i can do whatever i what to do " Say Nessy " is what so. Let's fight. " Say Static " come to me Baby " Say/flirt Nessy . And Static shock Tan . But it's Not very effective. Then Nessy grap him and throw him to a abandon place. So Static and Tan fly to a abandoned hospital. " y.. Y.. You like it rough don't you " Say Static " yes i like it " Say Nessy. And punch him in the belly. And static punch her in her heart. " aaaaw you dick " Say Nessy. " so you can't handle the pain " Say Static " a little. But THAT WON'T STOP ME FORM KILLING " Say Nessy. Then static use his static forse. And Nessy disappear. " where are you " Say Static. And look for her. But Nessy is already gone. So static go home. " something about her feel kinda familiar. Her talk her style. And HER VOICE. I think it's. No that can't be. " Say Static. And go home. 

✘Time skip one day later ✘

Nessy is in her villain form . And wait She got a idea. " wait I need to destroy the city's statue " Say Nessy and go to the statue. But Someone is waiting for her. " hi Tan " Say Static  hi there " Say Nessy . " let's stard again bitch " Say Static " hahaha let's go " Say Nessy . And static attached Nessy.  And kik with his static kik. " ya fucker " Say Nessy. And use her scratch him . " you too bitch " Say Static.  And grap her. And fly with him.  To the same spot. What they did yesterday. Static realised something so so so familiar. Because he looks at her eye's. And then her tattoos. And her necklace. And her grap it " how in the hell did you get that. " say Static " form my crush when i wa sick. " Say Nessy and do a stap back. And look at her gengar necklace. And Nessy look at his tattoos on his arm . And look at his eye's. And his necklace. " And 
How did you get this one Static " Say Nessy. Then Static look at his spiritomb necklace. " my best / crush friend give me this and I'm in love with her " Say Static "I kill her " Say Nessy . " no " Say Static. And punch her mask off. And revealed her face. And so did Nessy. And kik him on his face. And reveal his face . " PAT ARE YOU THE STATIC GHOST  " Say Nessy with tears rolling down her face. " YES AND YOU ARE THE ARSENAL NIGHTMARE. I'M SO SORRY THAT I HURD YOU PLEASE FORGIVE ME" Say Patrick and go to her. " pat did you mean it. " Say Nessy. Still crying. " about i love you " Say Pat " yes " Say Nessy  " Pat you cannot love me because I'm a villain. AND YOU A HERO. And we supposed to fight YA KNOW. " Scream Nessy with a lot of tears in her eyes . Then Pat hug her " please don't cry little gangar. If we are alone we can be together. " Say Pat and grap her Hand. And Nessy look at him. "Pat please you know that I kill people who are bad " Say Nessy " so you are like a anti-hero like deadpool " Say Pat " I guess so " Say Nessy. " look little Gangar. I didn't give a fuck if you are a Anti-hero. As long we are together. " Say Pat with a creepy smile. " Pat what's wrong with you. You aching weird " Say Nessy " i love you my little gengar. And you be my wife forever. And you have no choice " Say Pat " Patrick " Say Nessy . And Patrick giggle in a dark way. Nessy look at him. " Pat are you the one who stalk me. Because i have the feeling that I'm being watch. " Say Nessy " yes and i love it. I mind be a hero . But I stalked you since we met.   First i think it's is all a mis feeling. A ignore my feeling about you. But i have been more and more feeling about you. I even broke up with mk. To learn more and more about you. And I've got so far.I have make a srine for you. With blue hearts. A galaxy candles. And so many pictures of us two together. And with our cat's . And you favorite musk and nummer combination 666 . And put our favorite Pokèmon . And horror thinks that we love together. But i never notice that you are The arsenal nightmare. And I never know what you true form is . But now is everything so clear. And I love kynessa plate.  Or bloody Nessy 666 .or tan the arsenal nightmare. My little gengar. And I will not be alone without you. I'm so sorry my little gengar " Say Pat crying. Nessy is in shock. Then Patrick goes in the hospital. Crying out of pain. Nessy. Goes to him. And see him on the ground. And hug him. " Pat as i was confess. I love you. My spiritomb. And I don't care about our work with the hero and villain. Because you Opens my eyes. And pat I'm not angry. That you are my yandere. I even love it more. " Say Nessy. And grap his cheeks. And kiss him on his lips. Pat looks surprise. So he close his eye's. : wow her kiss is so beautiful. In many ways : was he thinking. And hug her intens. And Nessy broke the kiss. And look at him " PAT I LOVE YOU.  I ALWAYS HAVE " Say Nessy. Then Pat cry again. " why are you crying " Say Nessy " because I'm happy. " Say Pat. " I'm happy too. " Say Nessy. " so what are we going to do now Babe" Ask Pat " I don't know hot stuff" Say Nessy " will you go out with me " Ask Pat. Then Nessy smile and kiss his nose. " of course I will " Say Nessy " yes. " Say Pat. How act like a fan-boy " hahahha like your reaction " Say Nessy and put her hand on his cheeks . " but we have a beautiful place Here. " Say Pat " yes a hospita L " Say Nessy " yes an abandoned hospital " Say pat. " yes soo romantic " Say Nessy. And kiss him. " let's go home now to pay some game's " Say Pat " yes Spiritomb " Say Nessy. And they go home. To play a Game. " Nessy " Say Pat " yes Pat " say Nessy " I love you my Gengar " Say Pat " pat " Say Nessy " yes " Say Pat " I love you too " Say Nessy. And kiss him and hug him all Game....

The end 🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶

It's was so fun to make this fanfic. 
And I'll hope you have fun we'll reading. SEEE YA NEXT FANFIC. DIKKE DOEI 💞

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