What Is Wrong?? What Is Right??

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                  It is expedient to always do what is right. Rather,  what other people say is right but when it goes against our culture or what we believe in,  we have to choose.  The time to choose is here and yet, I still haven't come to a conclusion.  What do I do exactly?   Where is the way out?  Would this people really help me?  Will I survive?  Most of all, would I still be me?  I grip my head with my two hands as I grunt in frustration.  Just two hours ago,  my life was 'normal' in it's sense. I had a family, I had friends or so they called themselves even though I haven't seen any one of them in the last two hours.  I've always thought I had my life figured out, graduate school with a first class, secure a job in the ministry of education, get married, have kids and finally be happy. I know to anybody, that should be pretty easy to accomplish.  'Study and study well and all your dreams may come true'. I scoff bitterly as I remember the words of my mother.  Clang! Clang!  I jump up as I realize it's the door to my cell that's being unlocked.
                     "Get out, youngie. Your lawyer is here" Mr Fathead, (as I've decided to call him majorly because of his big bald head and the extra fats hanging loosely in layers between his head and his neck) explains gruffly.  He yanks open the cell gate and pulls me roughly by my arm against his ill fitting uniform.  I frown in disdain.  Two hours ago, this deadbeat wouldn't have dared to lay his hands on a governor's daughter. Chunkmeat drags me through a long, dark corridor with cells in each side of the walls.  I cringe mentally as I take in the dirty walls. I let out a cough as the odour emanating from the other cells hit me.  ' Oh Lord, help me get out of this alive' I pray silently.  Fathead shoves me into a dark room and I struggle to catch myself. I wrap my hands around myself for comfort and I feel Fathead move to a corner of the room and I hear the switch before I get light engulf the darkness of the room. " Thank you,  officer Edward"  a voice whispers softly. In another situation, I would have laughed at the irony of Fathead's name but I don't because I know that voice. I have dined, and wined with the owner of that voice.  I feel hope surge through me and a smile breaks on my face. Ignoring Fathead,  I snap out of my shock as I increase my pace and run into his arms. I allow him to hold me there whispering comforting words as I allow my thoughts to wander. Finally,  a friend is here!  Toriola 'Tori' Mathews.  My big cousin and a lawyer.
        " Are you okay, Mimi?"  he pulls away from the hug and stares intensely into my eyes waiting for my answer.  I try to tell him I'm okay but the lies get stuck in my throat.  I gulp heavily and I shake my head as I feel my eyes sting with tears that flows down my cheeks like water trying to break free. Tori pulls me closer and lets me cry against his shirt. ' shh, it will be okay, I'm here.  No one's going to hurt you, Mimi.  Tori is here" His words hold a promise that it will be alright. I believe in Tori, I just don't know if I believe in those promises. One thing I do know is I'm not giving up.

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