Last wish

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"Violet violet wake up its time to meet why don't we!" My little sister Lizzie screams as she jumps on my bed. "ELIZABETH! Stop jumping on my bed!" I yell back causing her to whine at the use of her full name. "Violet don't call me that!" She whines. I groan and roll over making her laugh. "Come on we have 1 hour!" She says laughing causing me to jump up. "What?!" I yell looking at my clock-12:00 ugh she woke me up late I was up all night having a mental breakdown. I don't know how long my sister has and she is my best friend, my only friend. I love her to pieces and I would do anything to see her smile. "Ok ok I'm going get out so I can get ready." She nods laughs and leaves. I throw on some cute-ish clothes and put my blonde hair into a ponytail. Me and Lizzie look just alike except she is 7 and I'm 17. We both have blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. My mom said if she was born 10 years earlier we would be twins. I put on my black nike airs and walk out my bedroom. Mom was already at work which meant I had to take Lizzie to the why don't we concert where she would get to hang out with them. It was because Of make a wish that she got to see them. She doesn't know this but it was her last wish because they don't know how long she has if the chemo-therapy doesn't work. I don't like to think about that because she is a fighter but I can't help but think it. All I do is worry. I constantly am up all night crying and thinking about her. I grab my keys and yell for Lizzie. "LIZZIE COME ON." She comes running. "I'm here." She laughs, this girl is always laughing which I love. "Lizzie you know better, don't run you can hurt yourself!" I tell her. I always have to remind her I don't want her running out of breath faster than she already does. We walk to the car and begin driving.
*skip car ride*
We arrive at the venue 30 minutes later we walk in hand in hand, her smiling like she won the lottery. We get in and a lady leads us to the room where she will meet them. We walk in and they look at her then me giving me a smile which clearly reads "I'm sorry she has cancer." I nod my head and they walk over to Lizzie and each give her a hug. "Hi I'm corbyn this is Daniel, jack, Zach, and Jonah. What's your name?" He says sweetly. "I'm Lizzie and this is my sister Violet." She says smiling. "Lizzie I told you this is your day leave me out of it." I smile at her she just frowns and looks at the boys. "Well violet is my sister she is 17. She always does everything to make me smile and when I'm sad she always does whatever I want. Sorry violet but I just wanted to tell them." She says happily. "As long as you don't bore them talking about me because your the special one, the one they want to hear about, I'm just the uglier version of you Lizzie and that's why I love you." I say back she shrugs and looks back at them. "So Lizzie what is your story." She looks at me and I nod. "Well when I was 3 I was diagnosed with two types of cancer, lung cancer and bone cancer. The bone cancer went away the doctor said but the lung cancer didn't. I have to use a breathing machine at nighttime before I sleep. Violet always said it doesn't bother her to have to stop every 10minutes when I get out of breath but I'm pretty sure it does." I stop her. "Elizabeth it does not bother me. You do not bother me! I would t hang out with you if you did." I tease she just sticks her tounge out at me. "As I was saying I get out of breath really easily and the doctor said my one of my lungs don't work at all." She breathes heavily then resumes. "But I'd rather it be me than some other kid or violet." I send her a smile with tears in my eyes. "I'd rather it be me than you. You don't deserve this." I whisper to myself so she wouldn't hear, but the blue eyed boy, Daniel I think heard me and sent me a questioning look. I shake my head. "Lizzie why don't you go play with the boys?" I ask her. "Ok do you want to play a princess game with me?" She asks "Lizzie they are boys they don't want to play that!" I say. "I will come on let the others talk to violet." Corbyn says and looks at me and waves. I laugh and wave back. "So violet what did you mean by that whispering you were doing earlier?" Daniel asks me. "Did you all hear it?" I ask they nod their heads. "Well Lizzie doesn't know this but if this treatment doesn't work she will only have a few months to live. And as of right's not working." I say quietly trying not to cry because I don't cry in front of people. They gasp. "That's so terrible she doesn't deserve that she so kind and high spirited." Jonah says I give him a sad smile before nodding. "Yeah she is." I whisper. "Well how are you?" Daniel asks. I look up at him. "Honestly?" He nods. "Not well my mom is never home she had to work extra to pay for the medical bills so that leaves me to worry and care for Lizzie. I have breakdowns every night after she goes to sleep. She is my best friend, my only friend I don't know what I'll do if she-." I choke on my words. "Hey don't say that! It won't happen she's a fighter." Zach says and the others nod. "Yeah She is isn't she?" They all nod and smile. "It's just getting harder the doctor said if she gets to tired to walk it's nearing the end." About that time corbyn came in holding Lizzie she was wide awake. They all look at me and I nod telling them this is what we are afraid of. "Why are you carrying her?" I ask him. "She was to tired to walk she said it hurt." He seems sad. "What happened?" I ask worried. "We were sitting playing around with makeup which I washed off and when we got up to come in she said her legs hurt and her stomach hurt." I look at all of the boys panicked as now she was sleeping. I walk over to Lizzie and wake her up gently by rubbing her back. "Violet is that you?" She asks sleepily. "Yes flower it's me." Flower is what I call her because she is so gentle. "Can you walk Lizzie?" I ask her. "No it's hurts V really bad." I start to get worried. "I can hold her till we have to get on stage in 3 hours." I shake my head. "No I don't want to bother you more than I am." I tell corbyn. "She's not bothering and neither or you. I would love to keep holding her." He says smiling. "O-ok I guess." I say nervous. I walk to sit next to the other four. "Is that what you were talking about?" They ask I look over and see her sleeping in corbyn he is sitting in a couch rocking her little body in his arms. "Yes she has never done this before and I don't know what's wrong." I think of her air machine that's always in the car. "I'll be back." I say to the boys I walk outside and get the portable oxygen machine. I walk back inside and walk over to corbyn. I sat the oxygen machine beside him. "If she wakes up call me over and I'll give her this it's not that you can't I just don't want to bother you anymore." He shakes his head. "I'll do it and AGAIN your not bothering me she is so kind and so gentle I don't mind spending time with her." I nod and he points to the boys and then me telling me to go sit with them and not to worry. I walk over to the boys and we talk. Three hours go by and Lizzie is awake and still can't walk I have all of their numbers to keep them updated. Daniel and I are really close already. He is so sweet and seems to ask if I am ok a lot. We walk backstage to watch from there since she can't be in the crowd because of lack of air. They were performing and halfway through I feel her get heavier signaling she fell asleep. I smile sadly at her and start thinking about everything how she can't walk at the moment how bad the cancer is getting and how long she has left. Apparently I got lost in thought because the next thing I know is the Gus screaming my name and when I look at them they look worried. "What?" I ask curious. "You were just standing there looking at Lizzie crying." Crying? What? I didn't know I was crying. "I wasn't crying." I say and quickly wipe the tears off my face. Corbyn gets closer and takes Lizzie out of my arms and I collapse on the ground crying frantically. I go to lean back wards and I lean into someone-Daniel to be exact I look at him before looking away and burst out crying again. "I'm Sorry way to ruin your show you can just give me Lizzie and I will leave." He just hugs me and quickly the other three not corbyn cause of Lizzie come and join it. "You didn't ruin our show. You have feelings to and you can't keep them inside." Daniel says. "I always do though I can't cry I need to be strong for her but I don't know what's wrong anymore." After that we kept hugging until I took Lizzie home and put her to sleep.

Don't leave me// Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now