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It's been a week since the I woke up and it's normal except for the moon godess alway visiting in my dreams. "Selene...what if I don't want to be the moon godess"I ask and she thinks. "Then I shall continue searching till I find another fit"she says and slowly fades away after saying I have till the next full moon to make up my mind. "Morning"megs and anna say as I walk into the kitchen with d. "Morning..do you mind if I talked to damon"I ask and they nod leave "Damon... this must be serious"he says referring to how always call him D.
"We have a choice wether we want to be the moon gods or not"I say and he looks at me. "I'm happy with any Choice. I know it's a big choice but I trust you"he says. "I only have till the next full moon to make my choice meaning we have..." "Tonight"he says. "WHAT"I yell and he stands and holds my shoulder. "I trust you"he says and I nod. "Ok"I say and take a deep breath and I tell him I'm going to the lake and I shifted and ran there.

I spent 5 hours there and I think I made my choice but I'm still not 100% sure but it's too late since I spoke to Selene and she told me that I will change with the decision I made . "Good day beta lucy your mate JJ was looking for you..and I caught him kissing your friend Megan"he says ''he's not my mate" I say "your long lost brother?"he asks "my sister in law's mate...so my brother in law"I say "ya sure like a useless female like you can be a luna"he says laughing
"Sean may I help you"I hear D ask from behind me and Sean Sobers up. "Alpha is this bitchy women here your equal in this pack "he asks and D looks at me. "No"he says and I look at him with a raised eyebrow. "She's higher...she holds this pack together and makes me the good alpha I am"he says and Sean stares shocked. "Now if you'll excuse us me and my bitchy Luna have to speak with the head Warriors....oh and at practice prepare for torture" d says and we walk away and I stop and kiss him "thank you"I say and smiles at him. "You helped me get where I am and I owe you the world"I say and he shakes his head. "You owe me nothing you've given me everything I desire"he says and I peck his lips and we head to the training ground and talk to the head Warriors till training starts and was right Sean had to do 40 laps 100 pushups all with wolf spane in his system so he was basically human. Now hes cleaning up after training.we are all walking inside when the sirens go off. We follow procedures and all the women elder and children are placed in the bunker and I forced D to let me fight and left the twins with fay. "Alpha wits" D says looking at my old alpha and old pack who have slightly more people then us since he has more packs helping. "Prepare for war"alpha wits says and I step forward. "Lu-"I've got this I say and see the moon is rising. "We need to distract them till the moons at its peak"I say to d in the mind link and he looks confused. ''you said you trust me"I say and he nods and tells the rest of the pack and using his private link with the warriors. "I don't want my pack getting hurt"I say "is there any way to stop this war"I ask and alpha wits steps forward. "Only one"he says "speak"I say "you will marry my son"he says and I nod. "And you will leave these packs Alone"
I ask and he nods "and you must kill the infants that you created with this man"he gestures to D and he growls. '' my kids are innocent"I say "then this war will happen"he says "I'll... I will do it"I say and he nods then a bright white light shines above us all and everyone Shields their eyes. "You made your choice and I wish you the best"she says in my head and the light disappeared and it's now dark and the moon is gone and I close my eyes and hope what the moon godess was right when he told me about my new abilitys. I imagine a wolfs spirit spiralling off to the sky and the 4 packs standing infront of us all fall to the ground screaming and a couple minutes later the alpha let's out a growl that sounds like a child pretending to be a dinosaur. He strechs aa I'd he's about to shift but he looks likes he having a fit. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE"he hells "very simply removed your wolves"I say and all the people around him Realise that they cannot shift. "Now leave or be punished with death"I say and my voice holds more power and they all take off. "Your eyes....and hair"d says as I turn around and look at him "what are you talking about "I ask and look at my hair that is now bleach blonde and a pack member comes running from the direction of the pack with a mirror
I look at my hair and eyes. "She wasn't kidding"I say "you accepted it?"he asks "no I didn't but we will both change and out wolves will become bigger and our abilitiys will get stronger because the moon blessed us"I say and look up at him and he looks at his now bright blue eyes. "Are you ok with my choice"I ask and he smiles at me. "I am"he says and we tell the pack to come out.

 "I am"he says and we tell the pack to come out

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Alphas mate              Book1: The Alpha SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now