little princesses

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Hey this is Kindra speaking I am at this house of mystery with my little sister she is super annoying but today it isn't all that bad but it was ok.
Me and Kayla got into alot of fights even though I raised her and cooked and cleaned it was til and sister like relationship. I mean we butted heads like nobody's business but when she really needed someone to take care of her I was there. I made sure she was ready for school,fed,bathed,and all that fun stuff. My mom put so much responsibility on me at such a young age it's crazym
I mean I never really got to be a kid til I was sixteen and escaped her and her abuse and her pedo hubby.

16 POV

I was waiting on a call from dad. He told me not to answer around my mom. And I knew that he would me back soon. While everyone was going to the creek I wanted to stay at home and wait.... Well I told my step sisters and then he came in he kept yelling at me saying that I was just waiting for some guy to call so I can go get fucked and I was rather confused. I kept telling him my dad was going to call then he tried to take my phone and I refused and he then grabbed me by my hair and yanked me out of my bed. I think grabbed his throat til he realised my hair. Then he did and I let go and he punched me in the face so I threw him into the closet and started punching him. Then he grabbed my hair again and started beating me.
Finally my mom said something and got him to stop. Then I know next I was told I'm going to my grandma's and that I had to call into work cuz I had a giant black eye that took up one side of my face. I didn't know what to do. But what I didn't realize was that next day would change me and my life.

As we headed over to my grandma's house. I was kinda nervous and groggy. I wasn't sure what to expect all I new is I would finally be safe for a little bit.

Then as we pulled up I jumped out and ran to my grandma. She looked at my eye not knowing what to say. She wanted to call dfs but I begged her not to for I was in fear what would happen next.

She then took me inside and I told her what happened.

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