
15 1 1

WARNING: There is very, beyond mature content, in this chapter. Please do not report. This is a warning. So if you don't like the warning. Turn away now. You've been warned.

-Lyss. XX


Third person P.O.V.
The next morning. April 11, 2018.

Alyssa, is now sitting in Slenderman's office. He's thinking of what he's going to tell her. Really he's looking through her mind trying to see what she's thinking. "We start by getting your mark." He finally spoke, breaking the silence. Breaking her insane thoughts.


Slender walked her through all she needed to know. Walked her through getting her weapons, choosing her pasta name, getting her signature style, coming up with a catch phrase, and her signature kill. It was now 4:00 in the evening, exactly. Ready to take her first kill. At 12:00, on the dot. They leave the mansion, Slenderman, Jeff, Ejacks, Ljacks (whom arrived home just the other day), and Sally.

Walking out of the woods, and on the street. 4:37, walking down the street, Jeff pointed to a house. "That one, Ive been watching this kid for a few months. Perfect kid, perfect home, perfect parents, perfect grades, perfect life, perfect frien—" Cut off by Slender, "Now, Jeff, this is Freak show' job, so let her choose, HER first victim." Walking down the street still. Something finally caught her eye. "There." Alyssa (Freak show), points to a girl in her room, sitting at her desk, on her laptop, laughing. She's really pretty. Stunning features, beautiful,long,red hair, green eyes, some freckles, and she had fare skin, beautifully porcelain.

Freak show' P.O.V.

Jordan, staring into her computer, having no clue what fate lies ahead. Hehe. Hahahaha. HAHAHEHEHA. Pay back is gonna be a bitch. What shall we do to her ? Should we— "Shhhh! I'm trying to concentrate." Trying to keep my focus, Jake, is breaking my focus. "Alyssa, who are you talking too ?" Jeff asks me, looking a bit confused. "She has made peace with the voices, Jeffery." Slenderman whispers.

Watching Jordan through her bedroom window. It's a good thing her room is in the back of the house, because if it was in the front we would be screwed. Haha. "We need to hide in the woods, until it's time to strike." I suggest, resulting in, the others nodding in agreement. Hiding behind the trees, watching Jordan's every move. She spent all afternoon, on social media, doing her hair, picking out what she 'thinks' she will be wearing tomorrow, and talking on the phone.

Seeing her parents walk in her room, at 6:43. They are probably telling her, they'll be back later tonight. That they were going to have dinner. As they used to do every Wednesday. They won't be back until after 3-ish, that's more than enough time. Yes. Yes, it is. This is going to be fun. Watching her parents leave, Jordan, then, left the room. Returning a few minutes later, with a bottle of vodka. She does this when she has a lot on her mind.

"I'll be back in a few hours guys, enjoy the show. Hahahaha. HAHAHAHEHEHEAHH." I Say, as I skip over to her window, again. "Look at you. Miss perfect. Miss everybody loves me, and no one loves you. Revenge is sweet, yes. Ha. HAHA. But this is going to be so much better. Prepare yourself, Jordan Blake, for you are about to come to a freakish.. end. Hahahaha. HEHEHOOHOOHAHAAHH." Making sure, she is occupied.

I skip around the side of her house, seeing the kitchen window cracked a jar. Pushing it open all the way, climbing through, tip toeing/skipping around the kitchen, humming ring around the Rosie. Walking to her room, cracking the door a bit, seeing her back turned towards me. Opening the door slowly, leaving the tools in the hall. Do it. Doitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoit. We know you want too. Sneaking up behind her, pulling out our knife, from our hoodie pocket. When we reach the back of the chair, she's sitting in, we pull the knife to her throat. Hearing her scream was blissful.

"Hello, Jordan. It's been awhile. What ? Five years ?" Feeling something switch in our mind. "W-w-who are y-you ? A-a-are y-y-you g-going t-to k-k-k-kill m-me ?" Her cries, so satisfying. "Yes, but not until, we torcher you first. Ha. Haha. Hahahaha. This is going to be fun." Jordan started crying, even more. "First, we have to make sure you don't go calling anyone, when we turn away." Grabbing all of her electronics from her room, opening the window, tossing them out onto the grass. "Try anything, and we will kill you." She didn't look up, she just sat there. Hands on her head.

"Do you remember us, Jordan ? You bullied us. Made everyone hate us. All because, we wouldn't be your friend." She looked up at us. Stared for a few moments, then, her eyes widened. They widened with fear. "A-Alyssa .. I'm so sorry!! Please forgive me." Checking the time, 7:32, walking at of the room. Grabbing the stuff in the hallway and looking for some rope somewhere. We get back to the room, "Lay on the bed. Now." She does as we say. Walking over to her with the rope (now cut in half), tying her hands together, then, her feet, and tying them to the bed railing. Making sure she can't move much or escape, we jump into of her. "Tsk tsk tsk. Look at you. Little miss perfect. Little miss everybody loves me, and no one loves you. Revenge is sweet, yes. Ha. HAHA. But this is going to be so much better. Prepare yourself, Jordan Blake, for you are about to come to a freakish.. END. Hahahaha. HEHEHOOHOOHAHAAHH."

Grabbing the needle and thread, from our jean pocket. Stabbing the needle into her eyelid sewing it to her eyebrow. Then, taking the needle, pulling her bottom eyelid, pushing the needle threw, sewing it to her cheek. Doing the same with the other eye. So she won't be able to look away, until she's dead. Slicing a piece of her skin off, from her arm. She continued screaming, making us smile wider. "Mmm ... smells distasteful. We wonder if you take as bad at your personality." Taking a bite out of her skin, tasting the blood and the meat.

Then, gliding our knife down her chest, cutting her shirt open. Sniffing up her stomach, licking her skin. Do it. Take her pride, as she took our happiness. Do it. DO IT !! Unbuttoning her pants, we began to take pleasure into our own hands. "TAKE IT! They say. DO IT DO IT DO IT. They chant. Take her pride. They shout. Like she took our HAPPINESS. They scream." She looks so scared, so vulnerable. So helpless, so unable to stop us. "Take it, we shall. Take it, we must. Take it, we will. You will suffer a great deal, before you end. You will suffer like I suffered all those years."

Shoving our fist inside her. In and out, forcefully, roughly, ripping her to shreds. Then, we went down on her, licking her, mostly licking the blood, biting her clit off with my teeth. Hearing her blood curling scream, looking at her, smirking devilishly.

Finished with her, we take our knife and cut out her kidney. Eating it in-front of her. Cutting a part of my skin off on our stomach, cutting her stomach. Sewing her skin onto where my skin once was. Laughing insanely, cutting and sewing her face. "P-please st-stop." She begged. "Oh ! No, no, no child, you didn't stop when we asked you to stop bullying us. You never stopped. 10 years. YOU NEVER STOPPED !!! But, you ask us to stop ?" Very angry now, grabbing her tongue, cutting it out. Then we grabbed pliers. Pulling out each one of her teeth, slowly. "We shall NEVER STOP. Nevernevernevernevernevrrnever. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Never."

After pulling out her teeth, we opened her chest. Licking her heart, "Sleep in horror." Ripping it out of her chest, along with her other kidney. Putting them on a plate. Checking the time once again, 12:02. Walking to her closet, grabbing a bag taking some things we thought would be cute. Going through the house, grabbing food, first aid, more weapons. And jumped out her window. Our first kill. Feels so energizing. Taking off to the woods where the others were, still waiting. "How do you feel, Alyssa ?" Craning our head to the side, looking at Jeff. "Our name is, freak show. We feel amazing."

Sorry for the gruesome scene and the rape. It is a creepypasta story after all. I hope you like my story, so far. Stay tuned, for next chapter. Please do not report. This is my first creepypasta, and I'm working really hard, writing this. You were warned at the beginning of the chapter.

-Lyssa. XX

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