29 Hank

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It turned out that the woman that owned the drug store had to leave urgently and asked a friend to watch the store for her. She had done this many times before and never once thought that her friend would prescribe medication to women, without her consent.

It also turned out that the ‘friend’ was Gretchen, the waitress from Vaskacia.

She’d been prescribing drugs to all the women that married her potential targets, as Hawk called them, including his mother, Lilly.

It took Hank weeks to get back into Michelle’s good books after his little panic attack at the doctor’s office. Thankfully, Christmas lifted everyone’s moods and while laying all the gifts under the tree that Hawk selected and he chopped down, she asked him, just plain out asked him with a straight face, if he would make love to her. He chucked the presents haphazardly under the tree, picked her up and carried her bridal-style up the stairs, trying his best not to jiggle her stomach. He did not want her throwing up on him. Her morning sickness was more like evening sickness.

She slept next to him every night after that.

He spoke to Sebastian, his brothers and Hawk about Lilly, trying to deal with her death as he had been instructed to do, but he still felt no need to mourn her death.

Two months later, when he explained this to Michelle, she asked him what he did feel. He had to think it through and made a list for her.

Indifference, which in turn made him feel shameful.

Guilty for not caring more and also for not being there for Hawk as he grew up.

Sympathy towards Hawk, because he lost his mother, even though she did not want him.

Regret for not being home to see what she had been up to.

Happy and content since she walked into his life.

Apprehensive when he thought of losing her and the baby.

Love for each and every member of his family.

She once again promised not to leave them when she read through the list.

As he sat, staring at the calendar she kept updating, his fears tried to surface again. They had an appointment with the doctor to do a scan. They would be able to confirm the sex of the baby and he would be able to tell them if the drugs had a negative effect on their unborn child.

“Dad, you’re doing it again. You promised not to blame Mom for taking that vitamins.”

“I’m not. Okay, I’m worried that it might have harmed the baby, but I’m not blaming her. If they didn’t arrest Gretchen, I would have… I don’t know what I would have done, but it would have hurt.”

“You don’t have to worry. The baby will be fine. Mom is fine. Well she’s healthy, but going out of her mind being stuck inside all the time. The snow is already melting, so she should be able to relax outside when the sun heats up.” Hawk hissed and looked up when Michelle started ranting about being to big for her clothes. “You better get up there and help. Give Mom one of your shirts.”

Hawk ran out the door and left Hank to go deal with his uncomfortable wife by himself.

They finally found clothes that she could fit into and when Hank suggested getting bigger sizes for her, she waved it off.

“I only have a few weeks left. I’ll probably grow out of them before this little monster comes out. Since I can’t bend, walk, get down those damn stairs or do anything, I’ll sit on my fat ass and alter my clothes. That way I can still keep busy and we won’t be wasting money on stuff that will hang in my closet for at least two years before you decide to make me pregnant again.”

“Only two years? I was going to suggest waiting five, but if you are good with two years, then-“

Michelle pushed his shoulder and he pretended to stumble back. “Don’t mock me. This,” She pointed at her round belly. “is heavy and these,” She tapped a finger on each breast. “are hurting my back. I can’t wear underwear, because Xander’s one size fits all does not include pregnant bellies or size… humungous.”

Hank followed her eyes down to her swollen breasts. Just that morning he had the privilege of feasting on them and other parts of her body. His hand automatically went to his throbbing member.

“Do you ever think of something else?” she asked.

“Not when you look so damn sexy. All I want to do is lick you all over until you scream my name again. Even if I can’t have you fully. I’m still scared of hurting the baby.”

“Then we will ask the doctor. If he says it is fine, I am totally raping you while you sleep tonight,” she said running her hand over his crown.

His chest rumbled and then he shoved her hand into his pants so that she could help him relieve some of the pressure in his testicles. Her small hand moved up and down his shaft, around his throbbing crown, until he grunted out his release, into her cupped hand.

He bent down to take her lips in a deep kiss. “You can rape me any time you want. As long as it does not include anal penetration. I won’t stand for that.”

“You might be surprised to find out what you enjoy,” she said before heading to the bathroom to clean up.

He couldn’t keep his eyes off her while they flew into town and she could not sit still for longer than ten seconds at a time. His clothes scratched and irritated her skin. He would have to ask Xander to make some maternity wear for her. He sent him a message as soon as they landed.

The doctor gave them good news. The drugs did not harm the babies.

“Babies? As in more than one?” Michelle asked.

“As in more than one,” the doctor said and turned the monitor for them to see the babies.

Three of them.

Hank’s legs turned to jelly, so he flopped down on the ground, staring at the screen. “Three? I could hardly look after Hawk. How are we going to manage three?”

“Uh, Hank. If you look carefully, there are four heartbeats, which means four babies,” Dr McAllister said.

The whole room swirled into a huge mess of colour. And then, for the very first time in his life, Hank Bragh’shcul fainted.

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