Hanging out

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Sora's POV
My class is 2-B I am classmates with Soshi and Inari I guess it's good to have someone you know instead of a room filled with strangers, oh well. I head to my classroom Inari and Soshi headed there before me Yuki and Natsume are classmates I guess, I see Soshi in a seat next to a window he's looking out the sky I head towards him "Hey Soshi? What's up with you?" I asked him with a hint of worry "Oh! Sora! I didn't notice you there" he said sounded startled "Can I sit next to you?" I ask "Sure!" He then sounded happy, I wonder why he was quite gloomy earlier I guess he's better now. So I take my seat next to him as he stared out of the window again I poke him on the back as he turned "Yes? What is it?" He asked in a glommy tone "What's wrong? You've been excited to go here and you were happy when we were with Inari, Yuki and Natsume, is something wrong? I am your sister, you can tell me anything" I told him with a worried tone "I-I it's nothing.... you don't need to be worried, Sora nothing's wrong ok?" He said reassuring that nothing is wrong "Ok but if anything's bothering you just tell me ok?" I told him.

Soshi's POV
"Ok but if anything's bothering you just tell me ok?" She told me "Yes" There was something bothering me, it was my ex..... girlfriend, she broke up with me because I was so boring to her and she liked the foreign exchange student named Cole Williams because he's from America just because I am a local dosen't mean that I am boring that isn't even the correct excuse! I can still remember that day...

1 year ago.....
"Hey Soshi!" Ichigo greeted "Oh hey Ichigo! What's up?" I greeted her back "Can you meet me after school at the courtyard near the Sakura tree?" She asked "Uh sure, what's the issue? Something bad?" I told asked her worridly "No! Something good," She said "Something bad for you" she mumbled something "What was that?" I ask her "Oh n-nothing!" She said , nervously, "Ok see you later" I said kissing her forehead "Yeah bye!"

~After school~
'At the courtyard'
I waited for Ichigo, she wasn't here yet I wonder why?
Minutes later she came!
"Hey! What took you so long?" I said hugging her tightly "Oh nothing" she pushed away from my hug that she didn't return "So? What did you wanted to discuss about?" I then ask her the reason why she aksed me to come here "Remeber this was the time I confessed to you right?" She then ask out of nowhere "Uh yes? And your point?" I asked her with a hint of anger, I don't now why but I HATE when people don't get straight to the point even if it was my own girlfriend "I am breaking up with you!" She then yelled, I froze. My girlfriend wants to break up with me? "W-why?" I asked her with sorrow "Because I like Cole!" She likes Cole? "Because he's cute, smart , and exciting!" We started dating nearly the start of 6th grade, my sister was NOT happy with that, she didn't like Ichigo at all because if her bratty attitude but I said "But she's sweet once you get to know her" I reassured her "Ok as long as your happy, then I am great" she told me "But if she breaks up with you don't come crying back to me to say that I was right, got it?" She told me "Yeah yeah, but I know Ichigo won't do that" I said swinging my hands infront of her. And what my sister said was true, I was a fool starting to date a girl in the 6th grade, "O-ok I g-get it" I told her with shock "B-bye Ichigo" and that was the last conversation that I had with her.

~Back to reality~
"Hey! Soshi! You there?" I heared my sister snapping her fingers right infront of my face "Yeah I am here" I told her "Class is over dummy" she told me "O-oh r-really? What did you guys do?" I saw her face turn to shock "Wow you didn't pay attention did you?" Her expression went from shock to 'a sighing' face "We just introduce ourselves and that's about it, it's already lunch" she informed me "Oh...." said me in a bored tone "Hey cheer up! We'll see Yuki and Natsume!" My face turned into glommy to brightful! "Hey guys!" I heared Inari said "Let's go and meet Yuki and Natsume!" She told both of us "Sure!" Said Sora "Yeah!" I said happily , I wonder why when I hear Natsume's name I immediatly turn, happy, maybe I want to be good friends with her? No maybe more.... "Hey 'Shotgun' are you coming or what?" Said my sister "Y-yeah!" I get up from my seat and exit the classroom.

Natsume's POV
Finally class is over! I mean all we did was introduce eachother (even though all the student's already knew eachother) Yuki said we'll be meeting up with Inari, Sora, and Soshi by thought of Soshi makes me blush, somehow the things that made me blush before was Luki, I get so nervous around him but now no more. I got out from deep thought to find Yuki dragging me to the tables outside "Hey Yuki! What's the deal?" I asked her "You were taking too long so...." she trailed off "I decided to drag you out of there!" I facepalmed my face "Oh hey Yuki and Natsume got here first!" I recognized that voice...... Inari! Yuki's sister "Oh hey guys!" I greeted them "Let's eat I am famished!" Said Sora "Sora isn't that rude?" Said Yuki "Oh sorry, can we eat please?" She asked more nicely and proper this time "Sure!" I told her. Yuki, Inari , and Sora sat at the 3 person seat so I get to sit next to....... Soshi...... "Hey Natsume? Earth to Natsume?" I heared Soshi saying those lines "Oh yeah I am here Soshi" I told him I said chowing down "Hey guys do you want to hang out after school?" Requested Inari "Sure!" Said Yuki and Sora they both look at us "So? Are you guys in?" Said Inari "Yes!" We said at the same time I blushed then Sora noticed me blushed and said "Hey? Natsume? Why are you red?" She asked while winking as if she knows why I am blushing "What? I am not" I said trying to be cool "Heheheh let's play truth or dare" requested Sora "Uh sure? Why?" Asked Yuki "Come here I'll tell you the reason" said Sora gesturing Yuki to come close. After explaining Yuki had a smirk on her face "So that's the reason huh?" I looked at her with a red face "W-well I'll be heading upstairs now!" I panicked "Why? You haven't finish your lunch" said Inari "I'll finish it upstairs I have ..... Student Council work I need to catch up on" I am the Student Council president everyone voted for me instead of the running 2 it was 2 boys they weren't the best at leading at all, so they asked "When is Natsume coming back?" Hehehe the truth is I already finished my Council work when I was in the plane ride going back to Japan "Oh really Council work eh?" Smirked Sora "Yes! Remember I am the Student Council president, so I have to go bye!" I said making it sound true I waved bye and went upstairs. Maybe I like Soshi? No! I can't like him *yet* Oh shut up my other mind! Ok ok I was just kidding!So I went back to the classroom to find Kuruko all alone so I decided to eat with him."Hey Kuruko~kun!" I said "O-oh hey Natsume~chan!" I saw him blush "Want to join me?" I asked him "Oh eat?" He asked "Of course! Let's eat on my desk you can turn Mizuki's chair around so you can face me" I instructed him "Yes, ma'am" he said jokingly "Hahahahha!" I laughed

Kuruko's POV
Natsume's laugh is adorable
"What's your food?" She asked "Oh it's tempura" I saw her face turning to a bright expression "Can I have some?" She asked giving me puppy eyes "Sure my puppy" What did I say?! 'My puppy'?! "Hahhaha yes master" she said playing along "So what's up?" I suddenly ask her "Nothing much" she said. And we just talked until lunch was over.

Word count: 1529
So hi readers! StoriGaming here!
With another chapter of.......
"Friends Until the End" (BTW I changed the title because I don't want to have the same title as my good friend THATSNAKEUJHOPEHATES  so I decided to change that to "Friends Unitl the End"
Hope you like this chapter don't forget to comment and vote bye!


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