2. Intercom

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A few months ago, my best friend and I were hanging out in the library during lunch.

T was on a school laptop and checking in her blog. I was halfway through a novel. I know, not that much interaction between the two of us. But we didn't care.

Anyway, we were sitting there when the intercom buzzed. I lowered the volume of my earbuds in an effort to hear the principal's voice. Wanted to make sure that he wasn't calling my name. You never know.

But it wasn't the principal.

A deep, baritone voice came over the static. It spoke slowly and deliberately. I could feel each word like a shotgun blast to my chest.




By the time I had fully registered what it had said, T was already getting up. She closed the laptop. I grabbed her arm and our eyes met. Hers were wide in shock. Surprised.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Did you hear that?"

She cocked her head to the side, confused.

"The bell? Yeah."

Tales From A High School: Anecdotes Of Horror And Confusion Where stories live. Discover now