Part 8 : At The Hospital's Lobby

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A/N : Let's see how much I can update in a row.. lol


It's time to remove his cast on his wrist, so Arthit goes to the hospital. As he arrived, he saw P' Pha on the phone in front of the entrance. He hesitated to call him out after Kong's talk. Unfortunately, their eyes met as he disconnected the call. Arthit doesn't have a choice. He reluctantly approached the older man.

"You're going to your appointment?" P' Pha pointed his cast by jerking his head.

"Yes, Phi." Arthit nodded politely.

P' Pha hummed, face looks troubled. Arthit somehow feeling sorry for the older man.

"Is something troubling you, Phi?"

"No. well, it's just.. my parents wants me to attend this event.. do you think Kong would also come?" he looks at Arthit.


P' Pha sighed and chuckled exasperatedly. "Still not telling you anything, huh?" it makes Arthit feels irritated. If it's about Kong's family business, he'll tell Arthit if it was necessary. He doesn't care for some event in their circle anyway.

"Speaking of it.. Phi, I want to ask if you're genuinely likes me or are you just trying to compete with Kong?" he tried to change the topic. His eyes narrowing to search for a sign of a lie. But the blank look is back.

"..Is that what he told you?" was P' Pha's response.

Arthit shrugged. "He said you're always taking what is his."

"Ah." P' Pha said simply. But he doesn't offer anymore explanation.

What is wrong with Kong and P' Pha anyway?! They act so irritatingly mysterious.


"It's just happened that way. And it seems I always late." P' Pha smiled bitterly. It's a kind of explanation, but it doesn't satisfy him.


P' Pha sighed, playing with his phone with one of his hands. "We're too alike." He continued. "Sometimes it's scaring me."

He then stared at Arthit in the eye. "Just like now, I know you too late. But I won't give up."

Arthit was taken aback, irritation welled up inside him. He crossed his hands on his chest. "..Don't you have to give me a choice? I already chose him."

P' Pha only smiled and shrugged, uncaring. "Like I told you, N' Arthit. I just need a chance to prove it to you."

"And hurt Kong? No, thank you." With that, he left.

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