Ms othmar calls Pigpen's mom.

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When Pigpen woke up he started crying again! I said Pigpen please don't cry. I put his pacifier back in his mouth then I rubbed his back. Then he was crying even harder. I said shh shh baby boy don't cry don't cry. I was hugging him and I kissed him on his red cheek. Ms othmar said Pigpen if you don't stop crying I'm going to call your mom. Pigpen did not stop crying. Ms othmar said ok I'm going to to call your mom. She was dialing his mother's number. She said hi Pigpen's mom! Pigpen is crying all day today he was really really really really really really really really really really really really really upset. Then she said yes he had his pacifier. Patty was putting it in his mouth the first time then I picked him up and sang to him then he went to sleep then he woke back up and started crying again Patty put his pacifier back in then he spit it out and he gagged and he threw up all over himself! Then he went to go change his clothes.When he got back i picked him up and put him to sleep again then he woke up crying again. Ms othmar said Pigpen your mom's on the phone she wants to talk to you. She gave Pigpen the phone. Pigpen said I DON'T want to be here!!! I want to go home!! Please come and get me! Please? Then Pigpen started crying again. I  said awww his mom  must've said no! Awww!! Then Pigpen said bye mommy!!!!! Then he hung up. He was crying so hard he could not breath. I said awww come here my love. Ms othmar said Pigpen stop crying!! She picked him up and went to a quiet room to put him to sleep. When she came back she said woo he's sleep. We worked for a few hours then we ate lunch and had resess and colored for the rest of the day and Pigpen woke up he came back to class but he wasn't crying! He was HAPPY! he was playing with me he ate his lunch and it was time to go home.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2018 ⏰

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