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  Movie Quote: "I wish I knew you when I was a kid." ~ Joel Barish, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind  

(Y/N) = Your Name; (E/C) = Eye Color; (H/C) = Hair Color


"Come on, get up (Y/N)!"

You had been staying at The Burrow for a few weeks while your parents were away on business. You didn't really mind it, in fact, you secretly wished they'd go away on more business trips these days, if only for an easy excuse to stay with George and his family.

George grabbed your shoulder and shook you slightly, trying to wake you from your slumber.

You groaned, opening one (E/C) eye, then asked, "What time is it exactly?"

"It's 8 am." he said with a smirk, "Now come on! There is a lot to do today!"

You sighed as you got up from the comforts of your bed in Ginny's room, noticing that Ginny was still very much asleep, and got dressed. You loved your boyfriend deeply, but what on Earth could he have planned that would need to be started SO early?

You walked slowly down the stairs of The Burrow, trying to avoid waking anyone else, and headed into the kitchen where George was waiting for you with a hot cup of tea and a stack of pancakes that were made into different shapes.

"Well what took you so long??" He joked, "Your pancakes are getting cold!"

You smiled and sat down, " made these, Georgie?" You were unsure GOOD the pancakes would be seeing as he'd never actually cooked anything for you before.

He could readily see the skepticism on your face, "Yes...but don't give me that look! I asked Mum how to do it, so if they aren't good, you can blame her!" You both laughed, then began to eat your breakfast, that was honestly surprisingly good.


Once you had finished, George came over to your seat and helped you up, ushering you towards the front door and into the garden.

"What's with all this hurry?" You ask, kicking away a gnome.

"I just want to be out of the house before anyone....well, mainly Fred honestly, wakes up."

" Fred today??" You were puzzled. George loved spending time with his twin, and honestly, you never really minded spending time with him either. When all three of you hung around together it was always fun, but even thinking of the many pranks you all had pulled, you couldn't help but feel a little excited. You rarely got to spend alone time with George and he had apparently gone to a lot of effort to get alone time with you today. You felt special!

"Yeah, he'll get in the way of "us" time! Hold on, I'll be right back!" George smiled, then quickly ran back into The Burrow and came back out with a small picnic basket and two broomsticks.

"Come on, (Y/N)! I wanna take you somewhere special!" George linked your arms together, then proceeded to lead you away from his house to Merlin only knows where.


It was shaping to be a beautiful Midsummer's day, the wind blowing softly through your (H/C) hair, as the two of you walked arm-in-arm to your destination.

After about twenty minutes of walking, George had led you to a secluded meadow that had a single gigantic beech tree with a little treehouse in the center of it.

"We're here!" George exclaimed, and let go of your arm as he ran forward to sit in the shade.

You stared in awe at your surroundings. The golden sunlight was beaming through the surrounding trees, highlighting the dandelions and clovers in various places across the ground, and the easy breeze rustled through the leaves making it quite an enchanted scene. You had never seen anything more beautiful in your entire life!

Kids // George Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now