Are we Dating? (8)

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I felt like I owed you guys a chapter to this! So, here we go! Chapter 8! :)


The rest of that day, Justin and I spent shopping. Hey, it was a date. To me atleast. And Justin was fine with it as long as there was some kind of physical contact. After every shop or market we visited, he would get a hug or a kiss on the cheek or I would hold his hand into the next store. It made him all hot and bothered and I got what I wanted. Win/win situation all together, don't you think?

We arrived back at the tourbus, my hand tucked into Justin's as he held my bags. "Thank you for today." I smiled, sliding the bags from his arms and placing my lips on his cheek. He smiled and if he were a girl, I swear he would've giggled. It was funny how I affected him that much. "You're welcome.." he stated quietly. I smiled and ran into the bus, looking over at Scott.

"Where have you been?" he asked, crossing his arms. "Let's see.. Well, depending on all the bags I have in my arms.." I stated, my eyes scanning the bags I had laced upon both arms, "I went to the zoo." I stated sarcastically.  He rolled his eyes and shook his head, a look that made him look rather funny. "Thank you for that." he sighed. "Dumb questions get smartass answers." I smirked, shrugging.

"Language, Addy." he scowled. "Yeah yeah.." I muttered, rolling my eyes before walking into the bedroom and tossing all of the bags into the floor.


I stayed outside of the tourbus, trying to clear my head of the millions of thoughts that ran through it. I didn't know if today was considered a date or not.. All we did was shop.. For Addy. I just seemed to pay for things but, it made her happy. So, that makes me a good boyfriend, right? Am I her boyfriend? I don't know... I ran a hand through my hair slowly before opening the door to the tourbus and stepping inside.

"You have fun, JB?" Scooter asked, looking over at me. "Fun.." I muttered, "Sure."    He raised an eyebrow but, I ignored it, stepping into my bedroom. I don't know what it means to be a boyfriend anymore..

I laid back on my bed and closed my eyes, listening to the music that came fromAddy's room. It was another song by One Direction. A song I recognized this time. It was titled One Thing.  After a few minutes of finding myself losing all train of thought as I hummed along to the song, I finally stood up and stepped over to Addy's room and knocked on the door gently.

It slid open and I was greeted by a warm smile along with a cheerful 'Hi, Justin' from Addy's pink lips. "Hi.." I smiled slightly, shoving my hands into the pockets of my skinny jeans which were below my thighs because of how low my pants were. I didn't mind though. They were comfortable that way. 

Addy smiled and grabbed my arm, pulling me into the bedroom and sliding the door back closed, "What's up?" she asked. I looked around the room, seeing all of the clothes that we- well, I had bought earlier today set out neatly on the full sized bed.  I leaned back against the wall, looking over at her, "Addy, are we dating?" I asked.

She chuckled and skipped over to me, her light brown curls dancing across her shoulders causing me to smile. Every move she made seemed to effect me in some way and I was not for certain if that was a good thing or a bad one. Her slender arms snaked their way around my neck, leaving little space between our faces. "Of course we are, silly." she giggled.

My smile widened, "Really?"   She chuckled and nodded, bringing her soft lips to mine. My cheeks burned from the blush that formed on my cheeks and I was thankful her eyes were closed. Herr lips seperated from mine and she looked over at me, her brown eyes sparkling. "I'm sure." she smiled. I bit my bottom lip and nodded.

And it was in that moment that I knew that everything was going to be perfect between Addy and I.

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