25-//"explode" -2

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continuation of last chapter :)


Jin walked along a busy road, the bright street lights scattered on the pavement blinding him as his eyes met the light-infused bulbs. He walked slowly, his feet feeling like bricks, struggling even to take a step. He shivered as a sharp wind blew throughout the air, the boy looking down to shield his eyes from the blow. However, when he looked up, the massive amount of traffic became nothing in the blink of an eye. His chest and throat burned as if he had just ran a marathon, although he hadn't. Well, did he? He couldn't remember how he got here, why he was walking, or where he was going. His thoughts were forgotten as soon as they came, Jin not remember what street he was on, or even what color his own hair was. He couldn't remember a single thing, his body a useless piece of muscle, bone, and flesh wondering helplessly along the streets of who-knows-where. It was then he spotted a figure in front of him. It was hard to see in the dark night atmosphere, but the boy could tell it was tall in height. Jin then blinked, opening his eyelids again to see the figure had moved to stand right in front of him. It was taller than expected, towering a massive eight feet as it looked down to Jin, it's back almost hunched from bending to look the boy in the eyes. It was then a large smile grew on it's face, the teeth crooked and sharp and gums bleeding, the crimson liquid running down it's face as it dripped onto the pavement below it. It's eyes were not eyes, in fact, they were just dark, deep holes in the figure's skull. 

Jin tried to run, but his body felt a thousand times heavier than before. He felt too heavy, like he would just fall right through the sidewalk below him. A high pitched scream caught Jin's attention, the boy rapidly turning his head to the left to see another figure next to him. It was the same height as the other smiling one, except this time it had no teeth. It's mouth was the same empty hole as its eyes, except a ear-piercing, high-pitched yell came from it's mouth, causing Jin to throw his hands over his ears. One after another, different figures approached, all the same tall, shadow-like bodies with different facial expressions. One of the figures threw itself to the ground, staring at Jin as strangled sobs left it's throat, the voice raspy and deformed. Another one breathed extremely heavy and quickly, so close to Jin's face that he could feel it's hot breath on his skin. Jin sunk to the ground, his head between his knees to try to block out the sound of everything around him. Even when he closed his eyes, it was as if the figures were in his eyelids, their deformed and terrifying faces plastered in his mind. Jin then let out a strangled scream, a scream that shook his whole body.


"Jin, wake up." Jin shot up, Namjoon shaking his shoulder to wake him. Sweat stuck his chestnut brown hair to his forehead as he looked up to Namjoon with hooded eyes, who was standing above him. The boy looked around to see the classroom he was previously sitting was now empty, the sound of students in the hallway filling his head.

"Did you have a nightmare? You kept groaning in your sleep." Jin stood up, picking up his backpack and draping the straps over his broad shoulders. 

"I don't remember." Jin intertwined his fingers with Namjoon's, guiding him by the hand as they both walked out of the classroom and into the busy hallway. Jin decided not to tell his boyfriend about his strange dream. It would only make Namjoon worry about him more than he already does, and Jin didn't want to make him upset. 

Many people thought, since Jin did not express emotions, that he knew nothing about them. In fact, that was the complete opposite. Jin knew almost everything needed to know about the  human brain and moods. It was something that he enjoyed researching, reading many books about emotions and visiting medical websites on the functions of the brain. It was quite astonishing, how the brain can change what it is doing in the matter of seconds. One moment, a person can be happy, laughing and smiling. Then, within seconds, their entire mood can change, sadness overcoming them as they burst into tears. Jin never understood how that could be possible, how you can be two different moods so quickly. He had only seen it happen once, when he was a small boy. His mother was joyful before the young Seokjin's doctors visit, but she changed when the doctor broke the news that the boy had no emotion. Jin had never seen anyone so sad in his whole life. Yet, as Jin grew up, it was almost as if the woman still had hope. She had hope that one day her son would smile, she had hope that one day her son would laugh, she had hope that one day her son would be normal.

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