Chapter Two: Asshole

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I followed Jacob down the corridor, and to my surprise he didn't lead me to an alley and murder me but instead he led me to the bleachers.

"The bleachers?" I said with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes, this is where you'll be practicing everyday, with me." A smirk appeared on his face.

"With you? I didn't know you were a cheerleader, you good?"

"Your a funny one peach and I know you were checking me out on the board earlier" he smirked at me- I rolled my eyes, something we have done far too often for the short space of time i've known him.

"Stop doing that!" He said.

I roll my eyes.


I roll my eyes

I'm about to roll my eyes once again when he steps closer.

"I told you to stop doing that." He whispered.

"What? So I'm supposed to do what you say? Haha good one" I start laughing and he's just staring at me again with that emotionless glare. I suddenly stop laughing and his eyes are piercing into me.

"Why'd you move here?" He spoke up. I was just staring at my foot making small circles in the ground whilst tapping my folded arm.

"Huh, your just gonna ignore me?"

"My mom has a job that makes her move all around the country, I've been moving since I was 13." I said sort of sheepishly.

"So you? Being here? It isn't like, permanent?"

"Well my mom said it's permanent this time, but that's what she said the time before and the time before that and, so on." I said, kind of surprised i had just blurted that out to him, i don't usually tell people why i move a lot, mostly because i'd probably move a few months after anyway so there was no point in them getting to know me but even though i'd had my doubts i feel like i'm going to be in this school longer than usual. I'd realised that he was just staring at me with a look i hadn't seen on his handsome face yet, maybe he wasn't sooooo bad, i mean he is very very egotistical but he's nice? i guess? buutttt it was starting to get weird so i broke the silence.... "Look can we just go i have a class to get to" I was going to walk away when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"You don't have class for another....." *casually looks at non-exciting watch on wrist* ".....23 minutes, look I'm sorry for asking if it makes you angry to talk about, i was just curious, we don't get many new people here and I dunno you seem interesting, no girl has ever not liked me before it kinda hurts my ego actually." he laughed. Spoke too soon. The kid's an asshole.

"Oh so just because I don't fall at your feet at the sight of you, you find me 'interesting'? thanks, you know thanks a lot when I was actually starting to think you weren't such a conceited asshole. Stupid." I snapped and walked away a lot faster so he couldn't catch me up. I started running when I got inside the school and ran to the girls toilets. Maybe I shouldn't have just 'run away' but the jerk was annoying me and I didn't want to waste my time, I've learnt from past experiences.


"Oh so here you are!" I heard a voice say behind me.

"I've been looking for you everywhere, you know your gonna get an ass beating from Principle Campbell for not going to his office"

"Oh hey Lydia, erm yeah it's whatever it's not like he can expel me on my first day" I laugh nervously, trying not to let her in on who I've been talking to for the past 20 minutes.

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