Chapter 1

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Possible inserts/characteristics (May add more later):

(Y/N) = Your Name

(L/N) = Last Name

(E/C) = Eye Color

(H/C) = Hair Color

(H/L) = Hair Length

"God damn electricity-spewing bastard," Loki grumbles. Lately, Loki and his blonde brother have not exactly been getting along. The squabble grew to be too agitating for Thor, which caused him to... well...

"And curse this damned planet with all these stupid apes!" The God of Mischief seethes. Thor had become so upset that he hit Loki hard enough to send him to Midgard. Such power seemed unreal for the biggest oaf in the entire universe.

"Excuse me, sir. Are you--um--ok?" A shy voice from behind asks. Loki spins around and is greeted by the sight of a frail-looking human. He raises an eyebrow and examines her, his eyes flicking up and down her body.

She gulps hard and shifts on her feet. The stranger's critical gaze began to make her feel uncomfortable.

"Of course I'm fine. Why would you ask such a frivolous question?" Loki chides, his face scrunching up in disgust. "Doesn't she know who I am? Couldn't she see that I have power? Why does everyone underestimate me so much? Such little respect."

She gulps again and fiddles with her fingers. "I-I'm sorry. I-It's just that you're bleeding. A lot."

Loki's eyes widen as he looks down at himself. The human was right. He has injuries on his hands and knees and when he raises one of his bloody hands to touch his face, he felt a long gash along his cheek. "Dammit." He hisses when searing hot pain shoots throughout his face.

"Let me take you to my home." The girl whispers nervously. "I want to help."

"You want to help me?" Loki said doubtfully.

"I-I know. I don't look strong enough to help a-anyone," She stutters. "B-but please let me help you."

The meek human holds out her hand. Contrary to what Loki was expecting, her hand was not shaking. It was as steady and still as a statue's. Loki stares at the rather pale hand with loathing. He does not want to show weakness to any human especially not this one. But as much as he hates to admit it, he desperately needs the help. The pain is becoming bothersome and soon it would become unbearable once the adrenaline wears off.

Reluctantly, Loki accepts her offer by taking her hand. She smiles and says, "Now, lets get to my house."

Loki nods slowly as she pulls him along. She seems too kind. Too trusting.

"I'm (Y/N)," She states, looking over her shoulder for a split second.


"That's my name. (Y/N)," (Y/N) repeats with a short giggle. "You have a name too, right?"

"Of course I have a name..." Loki mumbles.

"Then what is it?"

"Loki. Loki Laufeyson," The God of Mischief says with a hint of pride.

"That sounds pretty cool," She comments.

"I know." Loki thinks. "Thank you," He says instead.

"Mhm." (Y/N) hums. "So, how'd you get like this?"

"I thought she was done talking." Loki mentally groans. "...I can't remember," He lies.

"Oh, that's alright," She says. "I'll help you with your memory too, I guess."

"Oh great."

"Oh! We're here," (Y/N) announces, pulling keys out of her jean pockets.

Loki watches her every move with curiosity. He even tuned into the jingling of her keys.

"Alright. Come on," She says with a smile. Loki follows her into the living room, which was smaller than it looked from the window outside by the front door. "You can sit here while I go get my first aid kit."

Loki follows (Y/N)'s finger until he sees what she was pointing to. It was a small grey couch. "Ok. Thank you," Loki replies scornfully. If anyone asked him to describe it, he'd use words such as "distasteful," "bland," etc. Overall, it was unfit for any king.

"You're welcome," (Y/N) says with a frown as she makes her way to the bathroom.

Once he's sure that the human is out of the room, Loki sits on the couch. His limbs go limp and incredible amounts of pain shoot through his body almost immediately after. He grimaces and suppresses a grunt.

"As soon as I get back to Asgard, I'm going to kick your ass, Thor," He grumbles.

"Who's Thor?"

Loki jumps in surprise, causing him to hiss in pain. "Why couldn't she be gone for at least ten minutes?"

(Y/N) gasps while simultaneously moving her hand to her mouth; a gesture Loki had had trouble figuring out the meaning of on his very first visit to Midgard.

"I am so sorry!"

"Don't ever do that again," Loki growls, saying each word slowly as if he was scolding a toddler.

"I-I'm sorry," (Y/N) whispers. She begins to move towards Laufeyson, but he slides across the couch in attempts to avoid her. The God of Mischief observes her again. He notices that she was holding a white box with a red cross on its lid. He watches her throat ripple as she does her nervous gulping again. Upon making eye-contact, Loki's body freezes.

(Y/N) quickly tears her (E/C) eyes away from Loki's empty blue ones. Eye-contact was and will always be something she will never maintain with another person. Of course breaking it makes her look weaker than she already does, but does she care?

"No, I don't," (Y/N) thinks as she huffs in frustration.

"Is she... is she really getting angry right now?" Loki thinks in disbelief. "Do you need a tissue, sweetheart?" He says sarcastically.

"That's it," (Y/N) growls mentally. "You sarcastic, arrogant creep! All I'm trying to do is help you and you've just been irritable this whole time!"

Loki blinks blankly as the human angrily rambles on about him... staring at her? Being full of himself? He couldn't tell. At this point, he completely blocked (Y/N) out, resulting in him hearing jumbled noise. The only thing he knew was that she was yelling at him. Disrespectful, uncultured swine.

Silence fell upon the room. The only sounds present were (Y/N)'s desperate gasps for air. Loki had wrapped his hands around her delicate neck. "Now, listen to me, human," He snarls, holding back a laugh. "Do not talk to me that way," He adds weakly, closing his eyes and shaking his head a bit.

(Y/N) falls to the floor and greedily gulps down oxygen. "Who knew that I'd be glad about you falling unconscious," She wheezes after Loki's body drops to the ground. She stands up on shaky legs, sighs, and crosses her arms over her chest. After staring at Loki's limp body for a few minutes, (Y/N) picks up the bandages. "Let's get your wounds cleaned and patched."

She soaks a towel with lukewarm water and dabs each of the wounds with it. After finishing, she looks at her blood-soaked hands. "Maybe I should have just taken him to the hospital."

(Y/N) shrugs and leaves the room to wash her hands. After returning, she places a large band-aid on the gash on Loki's cheek.

"Aw crap," She grumbles. The strange man was wearing a long-sleeved piece of clothing. To her horror, all of the clothing he was wearing seemed to be made of leather. It was going to be difficult to take it all off especially since she did not want to see his body. It would be awkward and, not to mention, a violation of his privacy.

"I would do it. If you don't, you won't be able to bandage all of his wounds and he'll die," A voice in the back of her head advised. In response, (Y/N) groans in frustration.

"I can't believe that I'm doing this," She huffs.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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