Meeting Each Other For the First Time

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"Jack's Pov "

I was busy Editing a video when someone started to call me. It was mark I said in my mind and answering his call.

Mark: "Hi jack how you doing?"
Jack: Im doin fine Mark but why you callin me
Mark: "Oh yeah I gonna meet you today at Ireland and im bring Chica too! So will you meet me at the airport by 9:30 Pm. Okay?"
Jack: Yeah ill see you there Mark Bye
Mark: "Bye Jack see you at the airport!"
         ~Call Ended~
"Mark's Pov"

I walked Upstairs and grabbed my suitcase packed some of my clothes like my Markiplier t-shirt, 5 Shirts, 10 tank tops, 10 pairs of shorts, 5 pairs of jeans, grabbed 2 pair shoes,3 sweaters,  and some of Chica's stuff and her cage. Then I took a quick shower and combed my red hair dye and Black hair. After combing my hair I go put on my lucky fannel, a pair of jeans, my red tenner shoes, and grabbed Chica's leash and putted it on her collar. Chica started spinned in circles about ten times and jumped on me a little and giggled because she was funny dog and very good girl.

"Okay Chica calm down girl your almost going crazy girl." I said scratching behind her ear and I walked in the kitchen grabbed my phone and my keys.

I locked the door to my house and walked to my car unlocked it Chica jumped in the back and I sat in front buckled up started the car and started to drive to the airport.

"10 minutes Later"

I was airport pulling out my suitcase out of the car. Chica was sitting next to me while I was hold her leash the closing the trunk of my car pulling my suitcase while wheeled through the whole airport. After a few minutes waiting for my flight to be here some fans of walked up to me and asked me to take pictures and petting my dog Chica but I didnt really mind people petting Chica. Then this girl with short brown hair walked up to me and asked, "Hi Markiplier or Mark!! Im "Your Name BurritoWolf". Im really Big fan of you but can I pet your dog Chica?" She asked. "Sure you Can "Your Name BurritoWolf"!!" I said smiling at her. She petted Chica before she left. I heard the Annocer say "Flight to Ireland is here would any like to come to 2-F To catch the plane come to 2-F. Plz Thank you for listening."

(BurritoWolf this is for you)

"Well thats flight I should get going." I told myself and standing up grabbing my suitcase dragging it and holding the leash while Chica was In front of me. After I got to 2-F I putted my things in front of me gave the lady my passport to get on the plane I put Chica in her cage putted her the converbelt and I petted her good bye before she go's underneath the plane. "Enjoy your Flight Sir." She said handing me my ticket to get on the plane. It was 12:00 Pm and Ill be at Jack's house in 8 hours

"After 8 Hours Getting to Ireland"
"Mark's Pov Still"
After getting of the plane I really missed Chic my dog as I walked all the way to where all the language is on a converbelt.
I went to the converbelt while dragging my suitcase and saw Chica's cage I grabbed the bar to her cage and putted on ground then she comes running out of her cage and jumps on me and licks. I giggle and laugh when my dog chica tackled me licks all around my face, but she stops and sits down,than I sat up and rubbed her head  and Standed up.

"Jack's Pov"

I was walking around looking for Mark then I see some red hair dye and Golden Retriever with him and I saw who it was. "MARK!?!" I said screaming his name and he turns around and he see's me.

"Jack!?!" Mark said Standing there surprised and chica mark's dog started to wag her tail in excitement seeing me.

I start running towards mark jump into a big hug and mark almost lost balance but kept a good stance to stay I. Place where he was.

"Mark's Pov"

I saw Jack running towards me I put my arms out and jack jumped and hugged I was surprised how light he was but I did almost fall back but I kept my stance and didn't fall on the airport floor with Jack. Then Jack got of me and he blushed a light pink and looked at me with ocean blue eyes.

(Im adding myself in this cant help myself because fangirling already help meh!!)

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! Septiplier is here right now in the airport!! Ahhh!!" A girl with brown medium hair with a shirt that says "♥Ships Septiplier♥" with jeans and pink tenner shoes and has Blueish, Green eyes (Thats me). She was holding her phone out taking pictures of me and Jack, but she was still fangirling over us.

"Geez Lady calm down and Please stop taking pictures your embarrassing my friend Jack. Please?" I asked putting her phone down from her face.

"Oh im sorry Sean McLoughlin for embarrassing you can you forgive me?" She asked Jack very disappointed in herself.

"Its fine lass but if you want we something septipliery if you want.  Would you like that?" Jack asked her with a smile.

"Yes!! I mean yes I would love that!" She said fangirling at first and then calming down.

"What would you like us to do?" Jack asked the girl.

"I like Mark to pick up Jack Bridal Style please and Just smile okay?" She asked about to fangirl.

"Hey mama can keep a hold of my dog Chica's leash while you are taking the picture?" I asked her and handing her my dog's leash.

I saw Jack Blush but I just I pick him up and puts my hands around his legs and his chest a little bit then I start to blushing dark red,then the girl took the picture and gave me back my dog chica than started to run away fangirling.

"That was embarrassing as Fuck..." I said still blushing from what happened.

"Me too.." Jack said looking down at the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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Jacksepticeye x Markiplier (SEPTIPLIER FANFICTION!!)Where stories live. Discover now