What do people write in these things?

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I'm only 14. I should be super emo and have lots of feelings or something.

I'm at a loss, honestly.

It's 11:30AM. I awoke to the sound of a baby crying. There are no babies in this house. I guess it was only mildly annoying though.

Last night I had a dream I don't understand. It involved me, a kid from school, and a girl I never met but I know perfectly well. Emily. No last name, I just know she would be called Emily. Blondie, braces, real cute. 

I have a boyfriend. His name is Andre. He's 16? I think? He lives here in this house because more or less, he takes care of me. Might be gay though. Haven't asked.

Just now, I saw my door close and reopen. I checked and nobody was there.

12:27 right now.

Twice in the past hour the floor has turned black and I can see hell beneath it. I don't think that's okay. I wonder if the Devil is spying on me. I wonder.

1:44. I went into the basement to check if the ground was still real, it seems to be, it would be a shame if it wasn't because when you hit a child with a flyswatter, they will be forever afraid of people like you and also probably flyswatters. I c

I know what's coming, I know who's here. They check all the doors in the house first to make sure they can be locked, but they don't because they want it to be our secret and you'll never get away with anything as long as it looks suspicious.

1:58 please dont please dont pleasedont please god dont let it happen again pl

ALl I heAR is crying 

I don't knowwwwwwwwif it's minn

they have forks for hands and you are their next meal 

I don't take candy from a stranger and you'll be lucky to have me take it from my best of friends, I don't talk to strangers, I don't look at strangers, I don't look at anyone

The pills don't stop these guys. Sleep doesn't stop them they will wake me up and they will remind me, forever remind me and keep it on my mind always at 2pm every\single\day

They have voices that sound like when the Russians drilled really deep into the earth or maybe a teapot that's been left on the stove for a long time

they are loud and grating and I want them to stop.

It's 2:20. I'm alone now. Well, sometimes I'll hear doors slam or footsteps but that's okay. 

Writing served as somewhat effective and ineffective distraction. I write only what others cannot see.

Praise God, I lived through it again.

Thank you

I'm done writing today, I think.

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