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Amelia groaned, feeling a stabbing pain behind her eyes. She rolled over into a fetal position, before slowly getting up and shuffling towards the bathroom of her studio apartment. She opened the cabinet and pulled out a large bottle of pain killers, dry swallowing two, before leaning down and drinking straight from the tap.

The blonde rubbed her eyes and shuffled back to the main part of her apartment, pulling the blinds closed.

Better, she thought to herself, before shuffling to the kitchenette and starting the coffee pot.

Amelia stretched with a big yawn, her large grey t-shirt riding up her thigh.

Rubbing her eyes, she walked to her nightstand and unplugged her phone, before moving to slump against the kitchen counter and check her notifications.

She checked her Instagram and blinked upon seeing a message in her DMs.

She deliberated for a moment, before setting her phone down and pouring a cup of coffee. After added copious amounts of milk and sugar, she sat back down and took a sip, before opening her DMs.

Jared Padalecki messaged you.

She choked on her coffee, snorting some up into her nose, causing her to jerk up and cough, gagging and trying to sneeze out the coffee that burnt her nose.

After finally clearing her throat and blowing her nose, she dumped her now ruined cup of coffee down the sink, before staring at her phone in shock.

The hell? She thought to herself.

Thinking it was a joke, or that she had simply imagined it, she picked her phone up again.

Nope, still Jared Padalecki.  The little blue check mark proved it.

Anxiety twisting in her already roiling stomach, she opened the message, hands shaking.

Oh, shit. Even worse, she had started the conversation.

With a shitty, drunken poem.

Well, she might as well begin planning her funeral. With a hand scrubbing over her face, she resigned herself to her fate.

a.sulli: rosesd r rd, viooletsa r bnlue, I may b def, but I ca n hear u.

a.sulli: do u evr thnk aboout how u couldv been born at any timw, arouund nyone, but iots here? in a timee whwre u can talk 2 anyonee in seconds?

a.sulli: i tgink abpuy that a lot.

a.sulli: somedaya i wish thinga were different. I wish i would stop pishing people away. I wish i was happy. maybe 1 of these days ill do aomething. mayhe ill b bettr than a hermit lockd away in my aprtment

a.sulli: srry im a littlw drubk. thx 4 letting me clog ur dms

Amelia slapped her face and groaned, before scrolling down.

jaredpadalecki: I understand. I know it sounds cheesy, but I get it.

jaredpadalecki: You sound really lonely. Maybe we can keep talking? If you don't have anyone to talk to, I can be the one you come to.

jaredpadalecki: don't feel like you have to answer though. you should sleep. work off the alcohol, ok? make sure you drink water. and take some Advil or something.

jaredpadalecki: goodnight xx

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