The Changing Tree

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Once upon a July moon,

I discovered a tree that had changed too soon.

"Why have you changed?" I asked the tree.

"Orange," he said, "suits me."

"Indeed it does," came my reply.

"But why have you donned it in mid-July?"

"I am tired of waiting for August and September.

"I was so handsome last fall, but no one remembers."

"I remember las fall," I told him. "You were king of the wood!

"But how does changing now do you any good?"

At this the tree smiled, for I'd stumbled on his plot.

And then he let me know of the idea he had got.

"If I change now, instead of later like the rest,

"There will be no doubt of who is the best.

"For what competition can there truly be,

"When I'm the only tree that looks like me?!"

His logic was true, no error could be found...

Save for one I would share, whilst sitting on the ground.

"Tis true you look fine, the best nature could arrange.

"But what will you look like when the others start to change?"

His eyes looked up, at his leaves, orange and red.

"When the others are changing," he realized, "my leaves will all be dead!"

"Help me!" he begged. "This change is all wrong!

"I've done it too soon, and it won't last for long!"

"I'm sorry," I said. "There's naught I can do.

"Next year you'll know: let time and nature change you!"

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