The Shopping Trip

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I woke up to the loud voice of my brother. "GET YOUR LAZY BUTT UP!" I felt the sunlight stream in through the windows as Sam rolled up the blinds. Groaning, I rolled over.

"What do you want? It's-" I checked my phone. "11:30 in the morning. You know I need my beauty sleep!" I rolled over again and next thing I knew I was on the hard floor.

"I said get off your lazy butt not fall on it," Sam laughed. Moaning in pain I got up and flicked him in the head.

"You better have a good reason for this."

"We're going into town to get used to the area so come on," he tried pulling me out my room.

"No way am I going out in my pajamas!" I looked down at the shorts and old t shirt with a hole in it I was wearing. "Were you raised in a jungle?"

"No, but I was raised in the same household as you and that's pretty much the same," Sam smirked. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Yeah, yeah just let me get ready," I pushed him out of my room. Quickly, I threw on my favorite band tee and some jeans.

"Is the princess finally ready?" My dad teased as I ran down the stairs and joined my family. We all piled into our car and starting driving into town.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"There's a nice mall a few miles away. We're gonna get you and Sam new clothes for your first day at school tomorrow," my mom smiled.

Sam groaned. "I hate shopping it's so boring…"

"No, it's fun! I haven't gotten new clothes in weeks-"

"Yeah I'm sure you're dying," he interrupted me.

"You're the one that wastes hundreds on your stupid sneakers-"

"And we're getting a nice dress for Katherine," my mom added.

"Mom…a dress?! You know I hate dress shopping! Why do I need a dress-" I don't really mind dresses, but whenever I go dress shopping with my family it's dreadful.

"We want you to look nice when we go to the Hoods' house," my dad cut me off. "Just do it ok? We want to have a good reputation around here."

I sighed and stopped talking. We all wanted a good life here away from our past. But it wouldn't be that easy to forget.

Eventually we got to the mall. It was huge and I loved it already. I ran to the directory and looked for three things: Hot topic, F.Y.E., and Forever 21. "THEY HAVE THEM!!!" I might have freaked out a bit. My family hurried over to see what was wrong.

"What in the heavens are you screaming about?" My mom tried to hush me. "People will think you're crazy."

"They should know I'm crazy. They have forever 21 and hot topic and-"

"Hot topic. You're always talking about that creepy store," my dad shook his head.

"Chill out I'm not going goth for goodness sake," I shook my head. My parents decided to split up from us and meet back for lunch later.

"Let's go to F.Y.E first," Sam suggested. I was quick to agree. I always need new music. The store was HUGE. I browsed the store's huge collection and found an All Time Low album. A girl who looked about my age rang up the CD and proceeded to say the scripted words that every associate ever says. "Hello, how are you? Did you find everything-" she glanced at the CD and gasped. "Wait you like-" looking up, the girl stared at the shirt I was wearing and squealed. "YOU LIKE ALL TIME LOW AND SLEEPING WITH SIRENS?!"

"Yes!" Jumping up and down I replied cheerfully. "I'm sorry, I just freak out whenever I find someone who likes my music…" I laughed at myself.

"Where have you been all my life?" she went on and on. "No one around here is cool." She had long blonde hair and striking blue eyes. Gorgeous.

"I'm sorry, but what's your name?" I asked her. I didn't even know her name yet and she was already my new best friend.

"Oh yeah. My name is Rose," she replied with a smile.

We kept chatting for a while until Sam came over and introduced himself. He gave a flirtatious grin to her and she smiled back. I internally gagged.

"So, you guys just moved in right?" We nodded. "Which school are you going too?" Rose asked.

"I think it's West County High…?" I looked to Sam for assurance.

"OMG that's my school!" Rose exclaimed. This is good. At least I will know one person tomorrow. Plus she seems awesome. Maybe there are a few cool people in this town…

Soon it was time to leave so we exchanged numbers and promised to text each other later.

As we walked to the food court to meet our parents, I teased Sam. "I saw you flirting." He turned red and looked down.

"I don't know she just seems pretty cool," he tried to shrug the comment off. I smiled at him knowingly.


After lunch (the food was amazing. I was definitely going to love it here), we decided to go to a small boutique for a dress. There one of the workers helped me pick out a teal knee-length dress. My mom and I went to the dressing room to try it on while my Sam and my father, bored out of their minds, sat outside.

As my mom helped zip up the dress in the back, I glanced at myself in the mirror. "You look so pretty Katherine…" my mom commented.

"Yeah, I think I like this one," I admitted. I strutted out laughing for Sam and dad to see. They both loved it, but when i turned around to look at the worker she had a horrified look on her face.

"Um…I think you might need a bigger size in that…" she said slowly. My jaw dropped open and my family was outraged. "I can help find you a new one-"

"Nonsense!" My father roared. "My daughter looks beautiful in that dress!" Feeling suddenly self conscious, I took a look into the mirror. My stomach was a bit big I guess. Maybe I should lose a few pounds…

"We're leaving!" My mom announced. She bought the teal dress at the register and we headed out of the mall, giving a scowl to the worker before we left.

On the way to the car Sam slung his arm around me. "Don't listen to that girl, she was so dumb. You're beautiful Kat." I nodded and let my thoughts drift away.

Truth (Calum Hood)Where stories live. Discover now