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"So do you know this lady personally?" He said very soft and firm not to scare me.

I thought about it for a minute so see if i has any correlation with this woman at all. I didn't. All i knew was she was Jayden's Ex. So i shook my head as a sign of no.

"Thank you," he checks his book and gets ready to ask the next question.

"Does anyone know anything about this woman." He said staring at me. I shook my head. I didn't want Jayden involved but the officer clearly saw that i lied and asked me more calming i couldn't lie anymore so i told him yes and told him about Jayden.

"I didn't mean to pressure you miss. This case has been going on for 2 months. This woman has been assaulting women in random places trying to find you." He said with firm posture

"Thank you. But she's locked up right?" I said with worry

"Yes. I have to ask you one more question and i will be able to let you go" he said smiling

"Were you hurt in any way or physical form because we are able to press charges if you are willing too." He said

I just answered yes so i can go home early. I missed Jayden i missed his soft lips and his soft hair and his body on mine. I missed everything about it. I couldn't wait to go home

~ 4 Hour Drive later ~ 

I arrived at home and just looked at the door. I couldn't wait to be embraced by my love. I opened the door expecting Jayden to be there. He wasn't. He was sitting on the couch with his phone staring at it with a blank face. I walk in and tell him i was here. He said nothing. I walked up to his face. Still nothing. I took his phone and he finally did something...
He took the phone back

"What the hell is wrong with you right now" i said extremely pissed off

"You is what's wrong with me." He said not even looking at me

"Oh. So I'm the problem?.....
I'm confused" i said almost about to cry

" you're confused? You're the one ruining my life. Everything is about you in my mind i can't get you out of my mind. Your such a pity to me" He said staring me down with no remorse whatsoever

"Fine then..." i said quietly  "maybe you don't have to think about me anymore. Fuck you Jayden Croes." I said not even looking at him

He didn't seem to care. I just started packing up my stuff when Jayden walked into my room with tears. Lots of them. He looked at me. And just kept crying. I was so confused i was just too confused to even care. I just got my stuff and got ready to leave. He tried to stop me but i heard enough. I just left. My heart hurt my brain confused and my feeling broken.

I went to go live with my best friend Jenny. She was always there for me and didn't mind sharing a bed. So i set up there. My phone kept ringing and Jayden's name kept popping up. I ignored all his texts and calls. I didn't care anymore. I was too confused to do anything but write. I took out my diary and started writing

~ Journal Entree 2 ~
Hello there diary I'm writing in you again haha :). Well my day was terrible from. The start. I can't stop crying. I left the one i called my lover. I am just. Confused with everything i don't know what to do. Writing in you makes me feel better. Well I'm gonna go to sleep and try to forget everything. Nighty diary.
     Singing this off,

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2018 ⏰

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