Meant to Bee

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Almond shaped eyes with a tint of rosewood. Eyelashes that flutter when he blinks. Dimples that show what true love is. A smile that is always heartfelt, and genuine. His chest, so comforting so masculine, as if nothing could hurt me when I was with him. That small peachfuzz around his lips that tickles when you kiss him. And name to fit everything in between, Shrek. 

I don't know what was so intriguing about him at first. His wisdom, his grin, or his jokes. He has a light green skin, with small cone-like-horn-ears. His tattered tan and leather clothes are starting to wear down, revealing more skin by the day. 

We met a long time ago when he was walking in the woods to Du Loc (Lord Farquad's Castle). While he and Donkey were walking through the birch forest, they came across a couple bee hives. One of them surprisingly was mine. Donkey was raiding through our hives when I came out to confront them. I was first out of the hive, but I just stood there, in awe of his physical majesty.  It didn't take long for other bees to have no choice but come defend the hives against the on comers. I found him so interesting, so manly, so delicate. You could see the lush grass peeking through and around his feet, his dirtied slacks made him easily recognizable as a hard worker. His face was so precious I just wanted to squeeze his cheeks together and kiss him. He was swatting away the other bees when I decided to make my move. 

"Hey! Stop swatting at those bees!" I flew in front of his face, "We make the honey, we work hard to make it, newcomers and scoundrels like you two don't have the right to take it from us." I bit my lip, after analyzing what I said, I realized my tone was harsh. Did he get the wrong first impression? My heart starts beating faster and faster as he starts to open his mouth. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, but your friends are trying to sting me and my friend!" Shrek thunders. I suddenly wonder if I chose the right opponent in this fight. The other bees are still at war with Donkey and Shrek. 

"It's not my fault that you decided to steal our hard work and labour!" I shout, finally ready for the battle that I had started. My veins fill with adrenaline as I am ready to win this argument. 

"Will they stop if we stop eating their honey?" He whispers, so delicately, so purely. In awe and pure joy, I answer.

"Yes. I'll make them stop." I reply, with no hesitation. I know that the bees will not stop until they have left the area. I would hurt my family for him. What was I saying? I would kill other bees for this one ogre? But it was true. I would do that for him. 

"Alright Donkey, " He started with his hypnotizing Scottish accent, "stop eating the honey." He seems so precious, so manly, so handsome, yet so dainty and harmonious at the same time. 

I start buzzing furiously, to try not to disappoint the one and only Shrek, but it doesn't work. I scream in the bee language, and they finally stop and retreat back into the hives. 

"Thank you for letting us have some honey," Shrek says sincerely, "Donkey was starving and I was just about to eat him." Shrek laughs heartily. 

"You were just about to what?" Donkey cries. 

"C'mon Donkey, let's go back to the swamp." Shrek starts to venture back to his unkempt, pigpen of a home when I stop him. 

"Stop, "I say, not wanting the delight of seeing him fade away, "I want to go with you." 

"Why would you want to go with me?" He asks, "I don't even know you, you're a bee!"

"Well, for starters, my name is Barry. Barry B. Benson." I start, "I've been living in this very hive for all of my life, and I've never ventured out 15 feet beyond the hive. I want to see the world, and I want to see it, with you." I suddenly get nervous, wondering if he likes me at all. All I want is to be with him for the rest of my life, he's all I've ever wanted and more. I feel a lump in my throat as he begins to speak. 

"Alright Barry, come with me." He grins as we walk back to the messy swamp. 

Walking across wooden bridges and ravines, through acres of land with no plants or animal life anywhere, and lush green forests and acres of land with no plants or animal life anywhere, we finally approach the swamp. I see his forest hut, and after talking for hours and flying for hours, I just want to sleep. 

"Here's my house," He says lightly, "Let me give you a tour."  We walk around his house, it's bigger than I had expected from the stories of old bees. He shows me the kitchen, the living area, the dining table, and his bedroom. 

"Why did you let me come with you?" I asked him questioningly, "Why are you being so nice?"

"Every since I saw you, I knew something was right." He uttered, quietly, "I knew that it was meant to be. I knew that you were the one for me." 

"I'm exhausted, " I announce, "Where can I sleep?" 

"You can sleep in my bedroom." He replies while working in the kitchen. 

"Where will Donkey be?" I ask. 

"He has his own house, I can barely stand him in the day, I wouldn't be able to live in the same house as him too." He responds while swallowing his food whole, "Are you ready for bed, Barry?"

 I can't believe that this is happening. He walks into the bedroom and I fly into it as well. Shrek closes the door and climbs into bed. He motions for me to enter the bed too. His hands are muscular and surprisingly smooth. His chest is so comforting and warm. I stroke the peach fuzz around his lips and he leans in to kiss me. 

We fall asleep cuddling. 

We have been for the last four months, but now, I'm dying. 

I lie in his hands, so warm, so comforting. 

A tear lands on my forehead. 

"I love you, Shrek."

The End. 

Meant to Bee: a Shrek X Barry FanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant